This end of Barton Street is far too narrow and has little space for 12 extra vehicles that will go along with 6 townhouses plus visitors vehicles, there is also no footpaths to accommodate pedestrians. Perhaps the quantity could be reviewed so that it is not like a complex, a more tasteful development that has appropriate parking and green space.
122-124 Barton Street Oak Flats NSW 2529
- Description
- Consolidation of lots 322 and 323, demolition of existing structures and trees and construction of six townhouses (multi dwelling housing)
- Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 86 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.
agree with previous statement.
All similar complexes have insufficient onsite parking in two respects sizes and number of garages - not compliant with the size of most modern vehicles. Also access and movement is dangerous and difficult due to narrow driveways. They should be much wider. it's as if no compliance officers have reviewed existing complexes or grouping of 4 or more units to physically see the issues nor have they interviewed tenants to gauge what issues they experience living in these Junk units.
Secondly onsite parking is very lacking. Driving by any of these types of units, especially after business hours one can see the number of vehicles parked on the street or intruding into public space (as the front setback is too short - should match surrounding blocks. The number/ratio of onsite open space parking needs to be increased to at least one parking space for each unit. Even one-bedroom units these days are occupied by two tenants who have two cars.
Then there is the visitors parking. By the number of cars parked in front of these Junk Units it's also abundantly clear insufficient number of visitor parking is provided onsite. 6 units need a minimum of two designated "visitors only" parking spaces.
Then you have lack of public/communal/green open space. None.!!!
Brick, tin and fibro jungles! Junk Units. Trees are removed and even though they are not natives (and sometimes even when they are) should be replaced with the equivalent area of local native plants to maintain a "Green Shellhabour."
Excluding driveway plantings, a set area percentage of total block could be set aside for trees say 10%.
When it comes to the units themselves - Junk.! same same same - like Commission Homes of yester year - I thought we had moved away from this approach from learned experience. BUT NO. Little boxes on the hill side brown ones grey ones white ones that all look the same. Built to some bazaar model which is simply twigged to fit the entire block, small internal space can't even fit a decent wardrobe in most and those that do have built-in , the size of a laundry cupboard. In short not appropriate for families, elderly or incapacitated, Shame Council.
I totally agree with Keith's comments, there are 7 two storey units being put up next door to me at 15 Koona street APR, blocking totally now my lake views, there will be limited parking as well, no where for 14 garbage bins to go, shocking design, all the same awful looking boxes they call design, yes shame on council for letting this happen.