60 Jensen Road, Wadalba, NSW

NOMINATED INTEGRATED & INTEGRATED - 87 Lot Subdivision including Demolition
Planning Authority
Central Coast Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
82 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Central Coast Council. Add your own comment.

Great to see council sticking to its policy of leaving some pockets of rural land around Wyong. First a 24 story development, now an 87 block subdivision, whats next??
I guess will see an upgrade of the Pollock Avenue goat track to handle all the extra traffic.

Peter Holland
Delivered to Central Coast Council

Another development that will impact the water levels in the wetlands inbetween Jenson rd and Tacoma. When will council get it into heads that every time you add more houseing around the wetlands more water is collected and needs to go somewhere hence why we flood form the wetlands..... More roofs = less water soaking into the ground that would normaly hold it. This is prety funny considering we received a letter in the mail reffering to the Tuggerah lakes flood study

Peter Munro
Delivered to Central Coast Council

absolutely not! that area is the high point for this part of the catchment and we will all be flooded with all the non porous homes, driveways, roofs and roads, et al in the 87 lot subdivision. Completely inane, and already residents suffer flooding, this will only increase this issue and more frequently, even in the with slightest rain event. this area is build in a flood zone, planning knows that so be planning sensible and keep it as vegetation

anna deegan
Delivered to Central Coast Council

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