The subject site and adjacent sites, except for the schools site to the east, are zoned only for Residential uses. The applicant requests a commercial use.
The height, scale, massing and narrow setbacks will dominate the surroundings, especially the residential site adjacent to the site's southern boundary, and respond negatively to the surrounding context.
The traffic of motor vehicles generated by the proposed use will unreasonably and adversely impact residential and public realm amenity and pedestrian safety.
Sydney Street is not a State Road and ill suited for commercial uses. The proposed use would appropriately be suited upon a State (Transport for NSW) Road.
There has not been satisfactorily demonstrated by traffic engineers reports, using B99 vehicles, that the proposal has satisfactory swept paths and safe entry to, and egress from, the site.
The proposal does not demonstrate that it will not unreasonably have acoustic impacts upon surrounding residential amenity.
The proposal contains insufficient deep soil landscaped areas, lack of provisions for native local canopy tree, shrub and garden plantings only.
The proposal includes removal of environmentally significant vegetation from the site and the road reservation.
The road outside the site has traffic control and calming devices erected upon the road pavement.
The proposal does not demonstrate satisfactory parking and safe vehicle travel and circulation provisions within, according to a traffic consultant's report and modelled with a B99 vehicle.
The proposal contains insufficient site permeability.
The proposal will alter the volume, direction and velocity of Overland water flows.
The proposal fails to contemplate contemporary best practices In water sensitive urban design and avoid concentrated discharges of stormwater to adjacent sites and the public realm.
The proposal does not respond appropriately to the topography of the site and surroundings.
The proposals structures contain excessive visual bulk and residential overshadowing beyond the site's southern boundary at the equinox.
Any proposal to erect a double crossover for motor vehicle access to the site would severely and negatively impact pedestrian safety and road user safety.
The length of Sydney Street and surrounding streets are used by numerous children to walk to and from local schools.
I would urge Council to refuse this proposal.
In the unlikely event this proposal is approved I urge these conditions to be imposed:
Reductions on numbers of children attending;
No double crossover;
Left hand turns only allowed for vehicles exiting the site;
No vehicle travelling north upon Sydney Street shall be permitted during school speed zone times to turn right to enter the site;
That separate pedestrian access and paths within be provided, with proper wayfinding, be amended to the endorsed plans;
Numerous canopy trees of the indigenous ecological Vegetation class be installed by the applicant within the site and road reservation at minimum height 1.2 metres and minimum pot size 300mm;
Boundary between site and crossover be laid with spoon drain linked to on site stormwater detention;
That footpath in the road reservation adjacent to the site's frontage be replaced by applicant at its cost, laid to to a 1200mm width and crossfall to not exceed 2.5%, with all work to be completed to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.