210 George St, Bundaberg West 4670 QLD

Childcare Centre
Planning Authority
Bundaberg Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
31 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Bundaberg Regional Council. Add your own comment.

I have a property in George Street across the road from 2 disability units and find these units have impacted on the area with staff parking on the street coming and going at all hours of night and early mornings as they did not provide adequate off street parking so feel that the Child Care Center with staff coming before 6am who will also probably park on street will have even more impact on this quiet residential area. There is already 2 schools within a block and a half and child care center also within a few blocks and at peak times the increased traffic will make the traffic worse. Most of the footpaths are not accessible to pushing a pram, are rough and uneven especially over driveways and the road verges are not regularly maintained so parents are unlikely to walk their children to school or child care. This is a lovely residential area but the 1 park in the area is a disgrace, dirty with no improvements for many years, no toilets. There are some lovely old homes in this area and it's a shame if it is removed for commercial reasons.

Linda Lucke
Delivered to Bundaberg Regional Council

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