83 Canberra Street, Oxley Park NSW 2760

Demolition of Existing Structures, Tree removal and Construction of Multi dwelling Housing consisting of 12 dwellings, consisting of 2 x 3 Bedrooms and 10 x 4 Bedrooms, associated works and Strata Subdivision
Planning Authority
Penrith City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
157 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Penrith City Council. Add your own comment.

That the height, scale, lack of articulation and massing of the proposal will dominate the surroundings and not respond positively to the context.

That the front boundary setback area is insufficient for a positive response to context and amenity and that theo facade height and design will dominate the surroundings in a context where development is to be subservient to the streetscape.

That the proposal provides for insufficient site permeability.

That the tree removal is not an appropriate response to the context, the need to protect environmental values and biodiversity. If the proposal is approved, the removal of native trees should be refused consent, even if this would reduce the site's yield for the Applicant and that the Applicant would need to obtain approval for amended plans.

Only non native trees are appropriate for removal.

That the proposal contains insufficient deep soil zones and suitable landscaping.

That the proposal does not specify only native planting and fails to include an acceptable number of advanced native canopy tree plantings that are of minimum height 1.2 metres an potted size of minimum 300mm.

That the proposal creates excessive visual bulk and unacceptable overshadowing impacts at the spring equinox.

That the proposal fails to include best practices In water sensitive urban design.

That air conditioning to be installed within or near to the boundary setback areas will have unacceptable acoustic impacts on neighbouring sites within the proposal and beyond the boundaries, due to not being of a very high efficiency inverter type. The applicant has not demonstrated by an acoustic report that based on anticipated need for use, frequency and hours of use including at night, that air conditioning units and installation location selected will not have unacceptable acoustic impact on occupants within and surrounding each dwelling.

The applicant had not demonstrated satisfactorily by a suitable consultant's report that external lighting within the proposal will not unacceptably impact the amenity of neighbouring (within) and surrounding residents.

There is insufficient geotechnical information and investigation regarding the site, existing structures, soils, materials deposited upon the site in the past, and and any hazardous materials within.

That the proposals colours, materials and finishes will dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.

That insufficient parking has been provided for occupants and visitors according to the B99 vehicle standard, so as to reduce amenity impacts upon the surrounding sites.

That garage and parking spaces within the proposal cannot suitably accommodate B99 motor vehicles and therefore this increased the risk of surrounding amenity being negatively impacted if residents and visitors regularly have to park on the street when spaces within barely meet the B85 standard.

That parking and traffic modelling submitted is unrealistic as it does not use the B99 vehicle standard.

That safe vehicle circulation within as well as every to and exit from the site, has not been satisfactorily demonstrated by a traffic engineer and using the B99 vehicle standard.

The proposal fails to demonstrate a quality integration with the road reservation according to contemporary best practices and the Austroads standard due to lacking a replacement footpath width of 1200mm and with crossfall of those paved areas specified to be below 2.5%. Such works if the proposal is approved should be arranged at the Applicant's expense and to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.

The proposal fails to address the appropriate dealing with overland water flows by not unreasonably impacting surrounding sites as they will be obstructed, diverted and have their direction, volume and velocity altered.

Stormwater plan does not prevent the driveway rainfall water entering the crossover due to lack of a spoon drain at property boundary that is connected to a suitable onsite Stormwater detention system.

The stormwater plan does not acceptably respond to the site and surrounding topography so that sites within and surrounding the proposal are not inundated during a sustained heavy rainfall event.

Noting overall annual precipitation history and the size and use of each dwelling proposed, rainwater tank sizing is insufficient and needs to be a minimum of 3000 litres per lot with alternative water supply to all WC, laundry and yard taps.

That the proposal does not include either strata by laws that ban car washing within or, a designated car washing area architecturally designed so that no water or spill from vehicle washing may enter the stormwater network.

The proposal fails to contemplate best practices in energy efficiency and sustainability via building design, appliance selection, materials, colours, and orientation.

That the window designs of the dwellings provide poor internal amenity, fail to meet the need for excellent ventilation and passive cooling, they provide insufficient natural light, and fail to address the needs to reduce overlooking as well as maintain appropriate passive surveillance.

Window coverings selected fail to provide appropriate access to natural light while maintaining privacy of occupants and the ability to control climate due to not being of the semi transparent and blockout double roller blind type.

On balance the proposal represents an inappropriate planning outcome and the responsible authority is urged to refuse it unless it is substantially amended to address the various concerns listed.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Penrith City Council

I agree with Shauna-Marie Wilson's observations 100%

That the height, scale, lack of articulation and massing of the proposal will dominate the surroundings and not respond positively to the context.

That the front boundary setback area is insufficient for a positive response to context and amenity and that theo facade height and design will dominate the surroundings in a context where development is to be subservient to the streetscape.

That the proposal provides for insufficient site permeability.

That the tree removal is not an appropriate response to the context, the need to protect environmental values and biodiversity. If the proposal is approved, the removal of native trees should be refused consent, even if this would reduce the site's yield for the Applicant and that the Applicant would need to obtain approval for amended plans.

Only non native trees are appropriate for removal.

That the proposal contains insufficient deep soil zones and suitable landscaping.

That the proposal does not specify only native planting and fails to include an acceptable number of advanced native canopy tree plantings that are of minimum height 1.2 metres an potted size of minimum 300mm.

That the proposal creates excessive visual bulk and unacceptable overshadowing impacts at the spring equinox.

That the proposal fails to include best practices In water sensitive urban design.

That air conditioning to be installed within or near to the boundary setback areas will have unacceptable acoustic impacts on neighbouring sites within the proposal and beyond the boundaries, due to not being of a very high efficiency inverter type. The applicant has not demonstrated by an acoustic report that based on anticipated need for use, frequency and hours of use including at night, that air conditioning units and installation location selected will not have unacceptable acoustic impact on occupants within and surrounding each dwelling.

The applicant had not demonstrated satisfactorily by a suitable consultant's report that external lighting within the proposal will not unacceptably impact the amenity of neighbouring (within) and surrounding residents.

There is insufficient geotechnical information and investigation regarding the site, existing structures, soils, materials deposited upon the site in the past, and and any hazardous materials within.

That the proposals colours, materials and finishes will dominate the surroundings and respond negatively to the surrounding context.

That insufficient parking has been provided for occupants and visitors according to the B99 vehicle standard, so as to reduce amenity impacts upon the surrounding sites.

That garage and parking spaces within the proposal cannot suitably accommodate B99 motor vehicles and therefore this increased the risk of surrounding amenity being negatively impacted if residents and visitors regularly have to park on the street when spaces within barely meet the B85 standard.

That parking and traffic modelling submitted is unrealistic as it does not use the B99 vehicle standard.

That safe vehicle circulation within as well as every to and exit from the site, has not been satisfactorily demonstrated by a traffic engineer and using the B99 vehicle standard.

The proposal fails to demonstrate a quality integration with the road reservation according to contemporary best practices and the Austroads standard due to lacking a replacement footpath width of 1200mm and with crossfall of those paved areas specified to be below 2.5%. Such works if the proposal is approved should be arranged at the Applicant's expense and to the satisfaction of the responsible authority.

The proposal fails to address the appropriate dealing with overland water flows by not unreasonably impacting surrounding sites as they will be obstructed, diverted and have their direction, volume and velocity altered.

Stormwater plan does not prevent the driveway rainfall water entering the crossover due to lack of a spoon drain at property boundary that is connected to a suitable onsite Stormwater detention system.

The stormwater plan does not acceptably respond to the site and surrounding topography so that sites within and surrounding the proposal are not inundated during a sustained heavy rainfall event.

Noting overall annual precipitation history and the size and use of each dwelling proposed, rainwater tank sizing is insufficient and needs to be a minimum of 3000 litres per lot with alternative water supply to all WC, laundry and yard taps.

That the proposal does not include either strata by laws that ban car washing within or, a designated car washing area architecturally designed so that no water or spill from vehicle washing may enter the stormwater network.

The proposal fails to contemplate best practices in energy efficiency and sustainability via building design, appliance selection, materials, colours, and orientation.

That the window designs of the dwellings provide poor internal amenity, fail to meet the need for excellent ventilation and passive cooling, they provide insufficient natural light, and fail to address the needs to reduce overlooking as well as maintain appropriate passive surveillance.

Window coverings selected fail to provide appropriate access to natural light while maintaining privacy of occupants and the ability to control climate due to not being of the semi transparent and blockout double roller blind type.

On balance the proposal represents an inappropriate planning outcome and the responsible authority is urged to refuse it unless it is substantially amended to address the various concerns listed.

Sonia Myers
Delivered to Penrith City Council

I seek to add to my proposed conditions should the development application, which I prefer to be refused, is to otherwise be ultimately approved. Contemporary environmenal standards should have these consent conditions added:

That the waste bin storage area be roofed, walled with its lower wall in brick, and be graded and paved so that bin cleaning waste run to a drain to be placed within the bay that is connected to the sewer network and that no water associated with bin cleaning can drain outside the bin bay;
Driveway and parking bay pavement is to be finished in suitable non-slip coatings which in designated parking bays are also impermeable;
Under no circumstances is waste bin cleaning to be undertaken in any place where the leacheate and waste water is tipped upon the driveway, crossover, gutter or the road reserve at any time;
An anti-vandal tap to be provided within the bin enclosure for bin cleaning purposes;
That the concrete paving within bin enclosure be finished with proper non-slip and impermeable material coating so that the concrete may not accumulate stains, odours or residues of waste leachate;
That bins within the waste storage area be cleaned at least once monthly by a professional service along with the walls and floor of the waste bay;
That the waste bin storage area have suitable screening and a door so that non-residents, birds and vermin are prevented from entering the bay;
That the owners corporation is to not allow the bins to be filled to overflowing (defined as that the lid of the bin is not able to be properly closed) and if it finds this occurs it is to schedule additional collections and/or increase the number of bins supplied to it as necessary and to the satisfaction of the responsible authority;
That the owners corporation promptly have professionally removed from the bin bays and at its own expense, any articles of waste or abandoned goods deposited therein or within the strata scheme or road reserve adjacent to the strata scheme, of unknown origin and which are of a type that are not accepted by the waste service in its general bins eg vehicle parts, electrical/electronic items, mattresses, furniture, tyres, building materials, personal effects which cannot be accommodated within a bin, construction waste, chemical or gas container, rock, brick or other items that council advises are to be not placed in general bins;
That the door for the waste bay be automatically self closing and locking and only openable with a key which may be distributed to residents - so as to prevent birds, vermin, and non-residents from entering or occupying the bay and accessing the bins at any time;
That no motor vehicle washing to take place upon the site, and this be included as appropriate in any directions to all owners and occupants, except in a designated graded and bunded bay where a drain is provided that carries car wash waste to the sewer network and under no circumstance are motor vehicles to be washed upon any other parking bay or the driveway;
That the owners corporation maintain all of the above in a satisfactory condition and effect any repairs promptly;

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Penrith City Council

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