2/21 Pakenham Street Fremantle WA 6160

Roof Terrace Addition to Existing Multiple Dwelling
Planning Authority
Fremantle City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
112 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
3 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Fremantle City Council. Add your own comment.

The West End is a highly significant heritage listed precinct not well enough protected by a council which allows detrimental changes too often. Any extra addition to a building in the West End should not be visible from the street or adjacent streets. The value of roofscapes in a low rise heritage precinct is an important part of the streetscape value and any visible addition is a detriment to the value of the original building and its neighbours. This particularly applies to additions like sun shades, lift overruns, air conditioners and other clutter which should not be screened - they should not be allowed in the first place if visible from adjoining streets.

John Dowson
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

John, Have you taken a look at the proposed plans before commenting? Nothing at all is visible from the street and there are no additions or sunshades, lift overruns etc that form part of this. A great deal of time and consideration has gone into the preparation of these plans before the submission was made to ensure all heritage aspects were given due consideration.

There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

Anthony, there is no detail here to comment on. There are no plans to view that I can see. The comment is a generic one about protecting roofscapes as well as streetscapes. We spoke today, and happy to speak again.

John Dowson
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

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