6 East View Avenue Leura NSW 2780

An eco-tourist facility comprising 13 individual cabins operated in association with approved guest house on site - legal appeal
Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
87 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
14 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.

This development should NOT go ahead:
The reasons have already been stated, and the nearby residents are opposed to it with 14 adverse comments on the original application.
Let's be very clear here, these are NOT eco-pods... they are enormous monolithic two storey motel rooms - 13 of them.
The look like crashed UFOs or brutalist Stalinist monuments from the 1950s and do not fit in a 'period housing' area with Edwardian era cottages.
They do not belong in a quiet residential area.
The second levels will overlook adjoining residential properties.
There is already an issue with high-powered outdoor lighting in use 24/7 which has been the subject of previous complaints.
There will be additional noise from up to 50 guests and the cooks, cleaners, waiters, receptionists, admin etc.
Eastview Ave, Mount Street and East Parade are narrow streets with no gutters or footpaths, and could not cope with the increased traffic and parking.
Up to 50 guests and around 30 staff coming and going represents over 160 more vehicle movements a day - possibly more if they come and go multiple times a day.
There will be large delivery vehicles amongst them will be difficult to manoeuvre in the narrow streets.
These streets have several sharp corners and doglegs which are a safety hazard for both vehicles and pedestrians.
The verges are crumbling and vehicles visiting this establishment already clog the streets parking and churning up the nature strips which are muddy due to all the rain.
Noting that numerous cars already park on the street while the few spaces inside the establishment remain empty.
Increased traffic will pose a safety hazard for the numerous residents who walk with dogs and children on the road due to no footpaths and muddy crumbling verges.
Car parking on site is manifestly inadequate for all the staff and guests.
Numerous established trees that act as windbreaks will be removed.
I strongly object to this development.

Rob McFadden
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

As residents of Eastview Avenue who have not previously commented we wish to add our voices to protest this development as being inappropriate in a quiet heritage area where the roads are crumbling due to existing traffic and the terrible weather without increased traffic.

Linda Adair
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This development has no business going ahead in Leura, or anywhere in the Blue Mountains. It does not take into account the residential location, the lack of infrastructure, or the architectural style of the area.
Blue Mountains City Council has a responsibility to the community and history of the upper mountains to preserve the feel, architecture, and residential amenities. This development brings nothing positive to Leura, and should be unanimously opposed.

Dannielle Preston
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

As residents of Eastview Avenue who have not previously commented we wish to add our voices to protest this development as being inappropriate in a quiet heritage area where the roads are crumbling due to existing traffic and the terrible weather without increased traffic.

Linda Adair
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This development should be opposed, because it is incompatible with the existing streetscapes. It would also detract from the residents’ amenity.

Paul Hardage
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

As a resident of Eastview Avenue, I am staunchly against this proposed development.

The current misuse of our street for parking of attendees at Brightlands Retreat is already causing safety concerns for pedestrians & residents.

Brightlands Retreat have received several complaints and comments about their empty car spaces while our street is clogged with parked cars attending the venue and have yet to do anything to resolve just that one issue.

It is clear from their lack of response or redirection of their clientele's vehicles that the safety of our street is not important.

This proposal will increase the strain on our already crumbling roads (most of which have no guttering or paths) to a level that will be untenable - both for residents attempting to get to their homes and our streets which are narrow and disintegrating.

Eastview Avenue is no place for a huge cabin/hotel-like complex of any kind - this proposal is way outside the scope of what our little corner of Leura can adequately handle - with safety and care for our residents AND the environment.

My family, neighbours and I are all against this proposal.

Louisa Forrest
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This development should not go ahead. It will cause increased traffic, disruption and environmental deterioration to the place. Parking is already a problem in the area.

Joanna Woutersz
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

Having lived in Eastview Avenue for over 4 decades, I am totally appalled that this huge development would ever be considered. The parking around the top of Eastview is dreadful and making the street a narrow one way street in the Brightlands area.
Residents in this area are restricted to the DA that they can lodge to BMCC, so WHY is this group different and potentially allowed to have a DA approved that does not have a heritage appearance.

Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

An eco-tourism development in a local residential area is only in the interests of the developers, not the residents. More people, without a vested interest in community-building, will detract from the nature of the residential area and put additional strains on council in maintaining substructures. The area is already challenged with traffic congestion from locals and parking is problematic. This development will create long time issues for residents, and for BMCC, as they try to maintain services and deal with complaints from residents. Seems the only winner will be the developer!

Maree Cairns
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

What an ugly and inappropriate development for this area. I would not call such a large development an “eco-tourist facility” when it is proposed for a quiet, residential area surrounded by bush land. It is uniquely beautiful and this proposed monstrosity will destroy the ambience and character that residents and visitors enjoy. The term “eco-tourist facility” used in conjunction with this proposal is farcical.

Margot Eliza Higgins
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This development should not proceed at all.
It is for no benefits to the local community or the Blue Mountains. This is over development in a residential area , that will only serve a small minority of wealthy tourists not add to the local community.
It is not in keeping with the area and it designed to give the newest owners opportunities to make money at the cost of local residents living conditions.
This should be stopped at all cost . .

Kim Townes
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

This space is continuously fighting to be built on and all residents keep on rejecting it because it does not suit our little Leura. We do not need another hotel/motel. I do also live in close proximity to east view and my 4 children catch the bus and walk the area to and from school. This space should be made a beautiful picnic park for kids and families.
It keeps getting sold from one person to another and plans they keep proposing are falling on deaf ears for good reason.
This is not a space for big business.

Jessie Castro
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

Sorry, but this development has no place whatsoever in Leura or anywhere else in the mountains. In fact for all the reasons others have mentioned, in my opinion, it would be a disaster. Leura locals are suffering enough with the massive increase in non-resident traffic. It would make life impossible with the extra numbers/traffic one would expect from this development.

Camilla Mendoza
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

Another example of over development in Leura. It should be rejected. The current Streetscape must be retained.

Greg Fisher
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

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