451 Miller Street, Cammeray NSW 2062

Demolition of existing buildings and works and construction of a mixed-use building comprising 12 units and one retail premise, with a basement, landscaping, and associated works.
Planning Authority
North Sydney Council
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Reference number
DA 248/22
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
648 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
18 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to North Sydney Council. Add your own comment.

This looks like a huge development-
It should not be higher than the immediately neighbouring buildings.
Cammeray has a lovely village feel. it must not be spoilt by overdevelopment-
Any new construction needs to be in keeping with the streetscape in that block.
Underground Parking must be included

Delivered to North Sydney Council

This development is way too big. 12 apartments will be a massive building.

I think the old shop fronts facade need to be preserved.

Over development isn’t what Cammeray needs. It has a lovely village feel here

Delivered to North Sydney Council

This development will change the whole nature of that part of Miller Street and not for the better. It needs to be refused.

Tony Gribben
Delivered to North Sydney Council

Why destroy a small area of Miller st which has retained its character of times past when the rest of Miller street has changed so much.

Barvara Hush
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This looks far too big for the village of Cammeray. Please preserve the village feel by maintaining facades as was done with the apartment block next to The Independent Theatre on Miller Street.
Please ensure the developer incorporates existing facades into the design and includes underground parking.

Sheridan Rogers
Delivered to North Sydney Council

North Sydney Council is completely changing the DNA Of Cammeray.
The development particularly along Miller street where there is a village & community, should be enhanced by the conservation of these older buildings & maintaining the facades, not taking them down!. The streetscape should be enhanced with greenery, not more concrete.
There are enough apartments on Miller Street. Platino seems to have a monopoly on any development in the area.

Mary May
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I object to this development based on many reasons. Cammeray is a wonderful suburb. Full of young families and friendly faces. We care about the world and its future. However, each time small local businesses are shut down for generic mixed-use apartments, our community loses a part of it's soul.
In regards to parking issues, the DA emphasises off-street parking heavily for both occupants and visitors. There are "a maximum permissible off-street car parking provision of 21 spaces".
My concern is that of the vital Disability Parking spot, of which there are very few in the council car park in the rear lane. This Disabled spot is located directly behind the rear exit of the proposed development. By potentially having cars entering and exiting frequently as well as a car lift being in operation, it is clear that this disabled spot is endangered.
As someone who relies on the disability sticker and therefore the disability space, I am very nervous about the future of my access to vital services within Cammeray. Thank you for your time.

Rebecca Shakespeare
Delivered to North Sydney Council

No, Platino. I object to another ugly, boxy apartment building looming over Cammeray Village.
North Sydney Council should be conserving this last remaining section of original shop fronts on Miller Street before they are all replaced by poorly built, concrete boxes.
Why is there no heritage listing on these lovely old buildings? Any future developments on this section of Miller Street should be sympathetic to the original streetscape and should focus on maintaining the shop facades.
Miller Street doesn’t need our shops replaced by more mixed use apartment buildings and new shops that then sit empty as no small businesses can afford the sky high rent.
No, thank you.

Emily Hyland
Delivered to North Sydney Council

Please retain the distinct streetscape. Part of the charm of Cammeray is the collection of small shops and businesses lining Miller Street. No part of the development should be taller than the current buildings and it should include the facades.
This application should not be allowed to be a precedent for the complete transformation of Cammeray.

Catherine Turner
Delivered to North Sydney Council

The proposed DA at 451-455 Miller st Cammeray will be in the Neighbourhood Centre of the Cammeray Village. There are a number of reasons to object to this proposal:
1) the destruction of the distinctive shop fronts which characterise the village- brings no benefit to the local community and will detract from the current village appeal of this place- can this design be modified to incorporate the shopfronts ?

2) the shoe-horning of 12 apartments and the associated 12 extra vehicles in the basement of the development, will add to traffic congestion and be a risk to pedestrian safety, both during construction and after, especially during peak pedestrian use - before and after school, weekends as people access the local shops

3) this current proposed building adds to air and noise pollution - can this be mitigated by reducing the size of the development ?

What is the overall benefit to the local community of such a development and how does it add to the village’s amenity ?

Deb Keys
Delivered to North Sydney Council

I understand the desire to renovate and improve the buildings on Miller Street, but this should be done more sympathetically to retain the remaining character and heritage of the area, as well as the village feel.

A more appropriate proposal would be to retain the facades and keep building height in line with adjacent buildings.

Benjamin de Castella
Delivered to North Sydney Council

The facade of the building should be maintained in line with the remaining buildings in this block and to keep the character of that strip of shops.
The height should not be above the current height so that it is in line with adjacent buildings.
There should be underground parking and visitors underground parking so as not to impact on the general public parking for the shops and cafes in this area.
There appears to be no benefits to the community of the redevelopment of this space. Perhaps extra underground parking could be added to add to the local area rather than just taking away from it again.

Michele Gennoe
Delivered to North Sydney Council

Development needs to be in keeping with surrounding area
The east side of cammeray shops is federation
To allow different heights and shapes in buildings along the strip causes a parramatta road look which is not in keeping with the area
To keep the area in keeping and and keep the community feel and look we need the community kept to a certain size
Bigger developments change the look and feel of the community and it becomes less of a community

Also Cammeray current congestion during the week does not allow for extra traffic on local roads
Development needs to be improving the site yes allow for maintenance yet in keeping with the community standards - residents of the community deserve a voice

Georgina Orchard
Delivered to North Sydney Council

Cammeray remains one of the few small, local villages on the lower North Shore, surrounded by larger, more urban areas such as North Sydney, Crows Nest/St Leonards and Neutral Bay.
Any development should maintain the character of the area, including the height and facade of existing buildings.
I therefore object to this development on the basis that the building will overwhelm the streetscape in size and style, further eroding the sense of community and soul of the area.

Kate Henry
Delivered to North Sydney Council

My apartment is directly opposite and only has one window/source of natural light facing the street. This development would mean zero privacy for my apartment. No ability to open the blinds without these appartments looking straight in. I will also loose my view and have no outlook. This is overdevelopment and is over height.

Claire B
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This development should conform to the height of neighbouring buildings, which are all two storey in tis section of Miller St. Proposed redevelopment will severley disrupt the row of federation style shop fronts with arched windowed housing above and set a precedent for further possible losses.

Kim Ryan
Delivered to North Sydney Council

Unfortunately Platino has not got the brief of the Cammeray shops precinct.

Major concerns about pedestrian safety (this is a high volume bus commuter and school traffic location both pedestrian and bus) with crossings on lights (Miller St) and white lines pedestrian crossing (Miller Lane) which are often very dangerous now.

Residents and many non, do flock to this area for its’ village assets (low rise, heritage facade, sunlight and safe community meeting places such as small restaurants, cafes and specialty shops).

Previous attempts to update the buildings in this precinct have often removed this with failure to lease commercial property on the ground floor ( as they are way too expensive?), current vacancies at 467-473 Miller, 504 Miller and 520 Miller are current examples of this.

Please retain the Miller street heritage façade, reduce the amount of floor space which is not in tune with a vibrant, liveable and much loved rare community asset.

Overdevelopment has already ruined many nearby areas hence why Cammeray is so popular!

Steph W
Delivered to North Sydney Council

This development is too large for the site. It is higher than the surrounding buildings and does not suit the character of the shops along Miller Street.
I live on the eastern side of the proposed development. Our townhouses have the westerly sun in the afternoon warming our building. This development will block the sun and overshadow the area, just as the large building on 467-473 Miller Street does to the townhouses behind it.
We live here because of the village atmosphere with it's cafes, restaurants and shops. It is a popular place for the community and with people from the surrounding suburbs.
Businesses will be affected during the construction and it will cause more traffic congestion.
There are no benefits to the community for this development.

A. Gross
Delivered to North Sydney Council

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