Again, no details of what trees.
I ask that Council identify as many trees as possible that can be retained in this development.
1 Corona Avenue Roseville NSW 2069
- Description
- CC - Demolition of existing structures, tree removal and construction of a new residential flat development comprising 23 units, basement parking and associated works
- Planning Authority
Ku-ring-gai Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 419 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Ku-ring-gai Council. Add your own comment.
I agree with the concerns raised by David Grover regarding tree removal and a lack of information. I imagine this application, and all the others in the area require arborist reports. These reports include type of trees, heslth of trees, ecological importance of the trees. Yet, this application has no information.
With regard to this application for the construction of units and others in the area, including the multi storey construction opposite on pacific highway (next to the 7-11 service station) and the construction of townhomes behind the 7-11 service station on Boundary st & Archer. They all provide parking, which is ideal and a necessity None of the applications discuss the huge impact to the already impossible traffic congestion at Pacific highway/Boundary st & Archer streets. It is a nightmare during peak hour and I do not believe these issues have been made a priority.
I am angered at just receiving notification that this application was approved. I went online and viewed the arborist report and the reports with regard to fauna. I am furious to learn that many of the trees (19) to be removed are healthy and established trees. I was also angered as to why this was approved given the impact the removal of these trees will have on the threatened species indicated in the documentation that was provided to council. The Biodiversity Impact Assessment report which is 129 pages long expresses concern....."....about two threatened fauna species were recorded on site during surveys
and two other threatened fauna species were considered to have the potential to occur (at least occasionally):
1. Ninox strenua Powerful Owl has the potential to forage on prey species that use the
2. Pteropus poliocephalus Grey-Headed Flying-fox was recorded foraging on site;
3. Mormopterus norfolkensis Eastern Freetail-bat was recorded foraging on site and
4. Miniopterus orianae oceanensis Eastern Bent-wing Bat may use the site occasionally
for foraging.
Sadly, all this jargon is written in a way for developers to trash our natural surrounds if they by credits through a biodiversity scheme. Paying for credits in a conservation site does nothing for the creatures in our own backyard.
I know it is likely too late to do anything about this permit but we really need to be aware of how cunning developers are and how much our own council seems to allow these developers to do what they want in the name of progress. I am quickly losing faith in our council and wondering if any have a vested interested in seeing our lovely suburb sold off to developers, at the expense of the natural surroundings and the creatures (great and small) who inhabit it.
For those interested in reviewing the documentation provided to council, you can follow this link:$P1.ETR.APPDET.VIW&ApplicationId=DA0300%2f19
OR go to Kur-ring-gai council and search for Application ID: DA0300/19