719-747 Oakey Flat Road Morayfield QLD 4506

Reconfiguring a Lot - Development Permit for Subdivision (2 into 152 lots, over 6 Stages, 4 Balance lots, New Road and Park)
Planning Authority
Moreton Bay Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
53 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Moreton Bay Regional Council. Add your own comment.

I have compiled the following list of my issues after looking over the designs and documentation offered:

• The proposed development does not fit within the established character of the area and is considered out of context for the locality. All the blocks in the surrounding area are semi rural and this submission is for next generation.
• These next generation developments are touted as first time home buyers properties, yet are priced too high for most first time buyers (especially with rising interest rates and living costs).
• The proposed development result in substantial view impacts as a result of the design choice for the development. It is considered that the view impacts are detrimental.
• Lack of substantial wildlife & fauna corridors, we’re already seeing increased fatalities due to Affinity estate on Oakey Flat - this would push wildlife into a smaller area. There are many endangered species in this area which are being pushed out due to the removal of trees and habitats.
• The roads and amenities cannot cope with the amount of new houses now proposed in the surrounding areas. You cannot get out of a lot of roads that enter Oakey Flat Road causing more near misses and crashes.
• We all bought in this location for our semi rural lifestyle. With an increase in all these developments, changing our zoning from semi rural to next generation you are creating a potential for more neighbourhood disputes.
• Hot zones, with all the land clearing, extremely limited space between houses and no vegetation these developments are creating hot zones. A recent study by James Cook University stated that these environments in general are hotter than surroundings that are covered by vegetation. The trapping of heat has impacts on human health, animal life, water availability to name a few.
• Higher crime rates. According to the QPS online crime map these higher density developments have much more crimes. Excelsior estate, which is semi rural, for the last quarter recorded approx. 5 crimes compared to Lakeview which recorded 15 crimes or the estate off Anderson Road which has 24.

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