The proposed height, setbacks, massing and design of the building will dominate the surrounds and will not positively respond to the surrounding context.
The proposed setbacks design and massing of the building will unreasonably impact upon the character of the area.
The proposal fails to respond to off site amenity of surrounding properties, resulting in unreasonable visual bulk and overshadowing impacts.
The proposal would result in unacceptable internal amenity.
The use and buildings are of a scale and intensity which will result in unreasonable amenity impacts on the neighbouring properties.
The scale, lack of setbacks and lack of landscaping all contribute to an overdevelopment of the site.
The proposal fails to provide adequate landscaping opportunities and ensure suitable maintenance of native vegetation.
Insufficient information provided regarding geotechnical issues and any investigation of the site, existing structures, soils, and any materials deposited upon the site in order to identify any contamination and hazardous materials.
It has not been demonstrated, or supported by swept paths undertaken by a qualified Traffic Engineer, that vehicles can safely enter and leave the site without adversely impacting traffic flow and safety along Sydney Street.
Insufficient vehicle access, entry, exit and circulation within has been demonstrated using the B85 and B99 vehicle standard.
Separation of circulation and access paths for motor vehicles and pedestrians has not been properly demonstrated to ensure safety of pedestrian residents and visitors.
Insufficient deep soil landscaped zones are provided.
Insufficient permeability is provided.
Insufficient rainwater storage per dwelling is provided in context of the number of bedrooms and annual precipitation data, I contemplate a minimum of 2500 litres per dwelling.
BASIX certificate does not specify suficient number of light fittings that are "dedicated" ie that they are capable of only accepting or being operated as LED.
Lack of proper parking provision will adversely affect amenity of residents and surrounding area.
Insufficient acoustic study information has been provided regarding acoustic impacts upon residents, neighbouring sites and the public realm.
The proposed use and development, having regard to the site and surrounding area, would represent an inappropriate planning outcome.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with best practice environmentally sustainable outcomes in context of energy use, internal amenity, solar access, water use and runoff of precipitation from the site.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with proper parking provision for residents and visitors to avoid unacceptable amenity impacts to its occupants and surrounding area residents.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with contemporary best practice environmentally sustainable outcomes in context of energy use, rainwater capture in context of local annual precipitation, preventing entry of litter to stormwater drains through suitable pollutant traps and screens, internal amenity, light pollution and spill from the development and protecting residents from off site sources of light spill, solar access, water use and runoff of precipitation from the site.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with the management of vehicle and bin washing upon the site and the impacts of the discharge of associated waste into the stormwater network.
The proposal has not adequately dealt with the separation of pedestrian entry from motor vehicle entry routes.
Insufficient information has been provided to enable a comprehensive assessment of the proposals impact on internal amenity and neighbouring dwelling amenity through the creation of light, noise, odour, access of non-resident a, birds and vermin to waste stored in site areas and litter as well as contamination risks and impacts on existing and neighbouring vegetation.