45 Greville Street Clovelly NSW 2031

Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling including extension of the lower ground level, a new first floor addition, double carport at front and associated widening of the existing driveway, landscape works and tree removal.
Planning Authority
Randwick City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 2 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Comments made here were sent to Randwick City Council. Add your own comment.

The title of this DA implies there is removal of (1) tree, but reading the arborist report, it requires the removal of FIVE trees over 10m tall, all of which are stated as being in good health and medium condition. The only justification for their removal is that they are in the way of the granny flat or pool.
This should not be allowed in Randwick where we are already short of tree cover, especially mature trees.

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