ANY application which will see an increase in a property's accomodation should/must be supported as a step to offset the LNP State Government's demand that North Sydney increase its population by 15,000 residents in the coming period.
The alternative is the inevitable spread of the gutting of the Crows Nest/St Leonards 'village' environment with inappropriate multi-story apartment blocks.
Going from 2 to 3 bedrooms in a existing home or the construction of a granny flat on an existing property (such as those built over rear access garages in eastern Crows Nest) will spread the required population mandate of the state govt across the municipality rather than see the construction of inappropriate 20 and 30 storey apartment blocks with the resultant loss of amenity, increase in overshadowing and wind tunnels.
The only acceptation would be such smaller increase in population doesn't come with an unacceptable adverse effect, such as loss of amenity, to surrounding properties.