I don't have an issue with the 'size' of this development, it's the height of the four dwellings over 7.5 metres, that is an issue as it will overdominate the entire Portarlington Hills area
125-127 Tower Road, Portarlington, VIC
- Description
- Construction of Eleven (11) Dwellings with Four of these Dwellings more than 7.5 metres above natural ground level (Units 1) and Eleven (11) Lot Subdivision Amendment: Relocation of common property access reduction in height to dwellings 2-4 siting and layout changes for dwellings 1 - 6
- Planning Authority
City of Greater Geelong
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 157 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 7 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to City of Greater Geelong. Add your own comment.
Why is Council considering multi story buildings for this area? Not only too high they never build them with enough parking, usually one car space each.
I am concerned about the height of these dwellings and how that will impact the landscape but also the privacy for houses they overlook. They are going to be on a hill, with a spectacular view do they really need to be 7.5 meters high. Sounds
This is inappropriate development for Portarlington as the proposed height will make it visible from almost every point in the area. In other words visual pollution. Many people enjoy Portarlington because of the pleasing views, which will be impacted negatively by this development or similar. I oppose it.
The trend in Portarlington is building to the boundary, over height and this is really dominating the view from the water and land. There is no justification for cramming this many dwellings into a block other than greed. As this development has existing 360 degree views why should it be exempt from height regulations? So disappointed with our council for allowing the destruction of our historic town.
As I am one of the residents impacted by these units I strongly object to the height
as they are being built on the highest point in Portarlington and in doing so I feel
my privacy would be greatly effected.
I agree with comments made to date regarding 4 units over the planning height. This whole site has excellent views and with the right design each unit should have views. No need for any to be above the regulated height. Once you create a precedent it makes it easier for others to apply for the same.