501 Sayers Road Hoppers Crossing VIC 3029

Change of Use - Place of Worship
Planning Authority
Wyndham City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
71 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
5 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wyndham City Council. Add your own comment.

To the council: Pls suspend all approvals for anymore places of worship until duplication of Sayers Rd. There are already multiple places of worships for all religions on Sayers Rd. Another one would greatly impact the quality of life for existing residents negatively. There would be more bottlenecks due this applications approval.

John Romanov
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Nothing further should be allowed on Sayers Rd until additional lanes are added to it. Not a place of worship-not a medical centre. Nothing!

Fred Paluso
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Too congested with multiple medical centres. Fix the roads first by duplicating the lanes and proper paths

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Why add more mayhem to an all ready busy road? So much empty land available elsewhere, ridiculous on all aspects of this planning.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Please remember why people built in the ave blocks. It was not to be surrounded by medical centres, child care or places of worship. Sayers Road is not designed to have the traffic that is already on it, let alone the extra congestion brought by along these developments. There will be parking issues and increased turning traffic on a very busy road. These issues are already evident at the temple down further. Please do not allow this.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

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