123 South Street Beaconsfield WA 6162

Partial Change of Use to Residential Building
Planning Authority
Fremantle City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
136 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


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Does that mean backpackers ?


What’s it going to be specifically?

We live opposite car park.

Lynda Iannello
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We live across the road to the carpark of this property and have had to endure daily drug deals, numerous shop break-ins, graffitti, urinating in the car-park and a whole lot of other anti-social behaviour at this property with no assistance from either the council or the police.
We already have a women's hostel in this street as well as two or more other share houses. We do not need any more short term accommodation in this street. We already have our fair share.
We no longer know who is living in this street and we no longer feel safe. Any short term accommodation such as backpackers or hostels (or anything similar to this) is just going to affect our safety and the values of our properties.
We have four generation of family living in this street, with my mum and dad living on the corner of South and Seaview Street (directly across the street from the property) and my daughter, son-in-law and her 14 month babies just a few houses further down.
I care about their safety and am concerned that the council would consider such an application.
The council has an obligation to the residents of this area. Any short term accommodation should not be considered in residential areas, it should be in the Fremantle City itself.

Con Iannello
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

Hi, we live down the road and I'll like to find out more specifically what is being planned for this site? There is already a women's refuge in the street and if it is likely to be backpackers, another refuge or something similar it has a high chance of further substantial negative impact being imposed on the surrounding residential areas. The area is undergoing long overdue gentrification and a change of use to short-term accommodation has the potential to significantly contradict and slow this process.

Andrew Silvan
There was a problem delivering this to Fremantle City Council

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