2/12 Howitt Street, South Yarra Victoria 3141

S72 Amendment to approved Planning Permit and/or Plans - Extend staff numbers and operating hours use as a psychology practice' 8 part time practitioners. Hours of operation Monday to Friday 8am to 9pm Saturday 8am to 3pm Sunday closed
Planning Authority
City of Stonnington
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Reference number
1201/04 - 1
Date sourced
We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
583 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Stonnington. Add your own comment.

I was not aware that planning permit had been requested or issued for the building in Howitt Street. I have not seen anything advertised on the building.
My apartment address 203/4 Cromwell Road overlooks this building. My concern is the parking. The entrance to our car park is located at the end of Howitt Street. Parking is already at a premium in Howitt Street probably from Victoria House visitors and other business's in the street. At night parking in the street can be full as people from other properties around the area park there.

Worst of all though is the access to our underground car park. Cars constantly block our entrance whether we are departing or arriving. When they can't find a park in the street they turn around in front of our car park which can be very frustrating blocking our exit or entry. I am fed up with it.

Geraldine Hunt
Delivered to City of Stonnington

I agree with the comment above

Wilma Hammond
Delivered to City of Stonnington

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