I oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility on grounds of past exposure to respirable dust from this sand quarry. On occasions (southern windy days), I have witnessed large amounts of airborne dust cross Pialba Burrum Heads Road, as well as my property. Recent council approval of residential developments off Carkeet Road have seen an increase in population within this vacinity. The applicant has stated that they intend to process up to 20,000 tonnes of fertilizer/soil conditioner each year, potentially creating further respirable dust hazards. Respirable dust are airborne particles that can be inhaled and travel through your airways and be deposited in your lungs. This application has potential health risks to residents. Council has an obligation to ensure zero harm to residents before approving this application.
12 Toogoom Cane Road, Takura, QLD
- Description
- Material Change Of Use - High Impact Industry
- Planning Authority
Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 15 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 15 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council. Add your own comment.
Furthermore there is a ootential risk of environmental impact to close proximity wetlands/waterways from contaminated stormwater/runoff and leached contaminated water (porous sand). Chemicals used for fertilizer/soil processing could potentially impact O'Reagan wetlands/waterways, resulting in eutrophication of water bodies.
I oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility on grounds of past exposure to respirable dust from this sand quarry.
My husband and I moved to Toogoom from the Gold Coast because the area offered a quiet, idyllic beach-side lifestyle away from industry noise & pollution, in particular, harmful air borne dust pollutants.
As I have been diagnosed with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease), my health would suffer further if such a facility were allowed to operate. I am very concerned that extra dust & smells would be generated in the manufacture of these fertilizers.
I believe the Fraser Coast Council should not allow any kind of industry to be operated in such close proximity to residential homes, particularly an industry which could potentially be releasing harmful airborne chemicals upon the residents of Toogoom.
With all the new estates being developed along Carkeet Road, I believe that the health of residents must be a priority when considering applications for any kind for industry out here in Toogoom.
I believe that council have a duty of care to it's rate paying residents.
There are plenty of existing industrial areas in town where this company could produce it's products rather than turning this beautiful beach-side haven into a factory site.
I oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertiliser/ sand conditioning plant on the grounds of potential hazards that may occur.
1. The close proximity to O'Reagan waterways and the possibility of soil contamination
and leeching.
2. The possibility of air borne particles being blown into neighbouring suburbs. This
area in particular has new sub divisions in close proximity. I find it ironical that trees
cannot be cleared on a large block only a few 100 metres away (for environmental reasons) This block is for sale. Yet this Material change of use is being considered
by council.
3. The possibility of an increase of insect activity, namely flies. The fly activity in Toogoom over summer is extremely high. The township does not need another attraction for these pests.
4. It would be of extreme importance that Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel inform the community of their intentions and the exact nature of the business to be performed.
My concern is that if approval is given to change to High Impact industry the Company
may be able to incorporate other operations that could be detrimental to residents nearby.
I oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertiliser/sand /soil conditioning processing facility on the grounds of high FIRE risks and exposure to HARMFUL airborne chemicals and dust pollutants which is a POTENIAL HEALTH RISK. Also there is a CONTAMINATION RISK for all the chemicals which potentially could reach our waterways.
Toogoom should stay a peaceful place with clean air and not being polluted with chemical smells and have respiratory issues. We have moved to Toogoom to retire, enjoy grandkids playing in the garden, enjoy the outdoors in general, away from the big smoke with an outdoor lifestyle away from pollution and industry noise.
Our health and for all the other residents which are babies/elderlies/couple with children, asthmatics, people with respiratory issue are all living in this area and they not willing to breathe in the polluted air, smells and respirable dust hazards.
My intention was not to live indoors all day in this beautiful area, i also believe that the HEALTH of the residents should be of highest priority for the council. This airborne dust particles can easily be inhaled and get deposited into the lungs.
Another big risk is the FIRE risk, fertiliser plants explosive are among the most deadliest accidents like shown for example in WA/USA recently. There are many chemicals which have been used in these plants.
Ammonium nitrate ( NH4-NH3) and Sulfur are some of them. Ammonium nitrate is added to improve nitrogen content. If it comes in contact with open flame or another ignition source, it can explode fiercely and create a chemical disaster. This could potential wipe out the nearby community with all the new estates being developed along Carkeet Road.
As this area is surrounded by state forests, bush, wetlands this is a HIGH FIRE RISK AREA.
We are living only 1km away from this proposed facility which we are highly concerned about. I start now to suffer from anxiety attacks thinking what outcome this can have for myself, my family and all the residents in the area.
There is also a high risks of CONTAMINATION due to the close proximity of the plant to the wetland and waterways.The chemicals which are used in the fertiliser/soil manufacturing plants could easily go into our drinking water through the stormwater/sand.
Council approved all the new residential estates in the area and we were never made aware that there might be a fertiliser/soil processing plant this close by. Facilities like that should be built in an industrial area where there are no residentail homes this close by.
This application has potenial health risks and also caused a high fire risk in the area, council is obliged to make sure that this application created no harm to the residents in the area and also there is no fire risk.
Thank you for giving the opportunity to raise our concerns.
I oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility on grounds of past exposure to respirable dust from this sand quarry. On occasions (southern windy days), I have witnessed large amounts of airborne dust cross Pialba Burrum Heads Road, as well as my property. Recent council approval of residential developments off Carkeet Road have seen an increase in population within this vacinity. The applicant has stated that they intend to process up to 20,000 tonnes of fertilizer/soil conditioner each year, potentially creating further respirable dust hazards. Respirable dust are airborne particles that can be inhaled and travel through your airways and be deposited in your lungs. This application has potential health risks to residents. Council has an obligation to ensure zero harm to residents before approving this application.
I oppose this application for Fraser Coast Sand & Gravel to operate a Fertilizer/Soil processing facility
1. Fire risk 2. Health will be compromised
3. Contamination 4. Air borne pollutants
Please ensure Toogoom is left free of all contaminants that will evolve if this was to eventuate .. this is a massive health risk to Toogoom residents
I strongly oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility because of the potential health risks, fire hazards and environmental dangers which could be detrimental to the town of Toogoom.
The Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel (FCSG) currently operates a sand quarry at 12 Toogoom Cane Road. FCSG has recently submitted a material change of use "High Impact Industry" with plans to process up to 20,000 tonnes of fertilizer/soil conditioner each year.
My family moved to this beautiful little town with such incredible wild life because Toogoom offered a healthier way of life which was tranquil, quiet, with scenic beach views away from industrial noise, traffic & pollution.
I believe the Fraser Coast Council should not allow any kind of industrial facility to be operated in such close proximity to residential homes, particularly an industry which could potentially be releasing harmful airborne chemicals upon the residents of Toogoom.
The possible health risks to Toogoom residents could be detrimental and create additional respirable dust from stockpiled chemicals used during processing of fertilizer/soil conditioners. Prolonged exposure could lead to a range of serious lung diseases or Cancers.
Fire risks would dramatically increase as Toogoom is surrounded by bush land, wet lands and forests if this ertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility was created.
The environmental risks could be catastrophic and impact wetlands/waterways from contaminated stormwater/runoff, or leached contaminated water (porous sand). Chemicals used during processing of fertilizer/soil conditioners could potentially contaminate O'Reagan wetlands/waterways, resulting in eutrophication of water bodies.
The Council is meant to be acting in the best interest of the community not big companies. They should be listening to the residents and rate payers that pay for this community's infrastructure and also pays their wages. They have a duty of care and responsibility to their rate payers to do what is in the best interest for the residents not for big companies.
There are plenty of other industrial areas within the district where this company could produce it's products. The residents of Toogoom do not want their beautiful town destroyed and wild life disappearing and becoming and industrial waste land.
I strongly oppose the application for Fraser Coast Sand and Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing facility because of the potential health risks and environmental concerns which could destroy our town.
I am an asthmatic and this facility could be risky to my health and other people in the area. This also is a concern for the environment and for the lovely wildlife that lives in this town. We are meant to be preserving and protecting wildlife not destroying it.
The council has a duty of care to rate payers and should be listening to their concerns and their safety should be the number 1 priority not companies. I am hoping the Council will do the right thing and listen to their residents as they do not want this facility approved.
I oppose this planning application for the following reasons.;
Toogoom cane road is not up to standard and can not take more truck traffic, in its current state it is extremely dangerous when meeting heavy trucks either in clouds of dust or in sprays of mud with major holes in the road.
The dust from the truck traffic currently on Toogoom cane road is serious and a real health threat to people living in the vicinity in particular those living near the road and silica damage to young children and older alike is a real concern as is the health threat of Silicosis which is legislated against in the Health and Safety laws of Queensland and Australia but still can be conveniently ignored it seems. and any increase of traffic especially more heavy vehicles is unacceptable.
Currently and for a long time now the quarry has been discharging/ pumping ground water into the adjoining wetlands, mostly at night in what could only be described as a stealth or secret way of doing things. It has been maintaining water table levels in the vicinity at the rear or South end of the quarry at flood event level all year which will be having a seriously detrimental effect to the ecological systems in these wetlands which have a wet and dry cycle and is vital for different species needs at different times of the cycle. Maintaining artificial high waters is not the natural way of things. The water table in the Quarry must be in the region of 4m lower and they are maintaining this by the use of an illegally built dam wall that was built around the Quarry without planning permission some years ago. It is possible to see from Toogoom cane road that they are also egaged in illegal dumping of rubbish in the Quarry pit and again by stealth tend to cover the rubbish with sand so it cant be seen. They are currently storing large quantities of other materials which look like wood chips or something like that and I'm sure there is no planning in place for this use? Where has this material come from? Is it contaminated? Is this material now leeching contaminants which are been pumped into adjoining properties?
The question has to be asked that if these flagrant disregard for the local ecology and planning requirements and lack of respect or consultation with its neighbouring properties is the normal for the owners and operators of the current business, how can they be trusted to behave any differently with the purposed far more dangerous and high impact use they are asking for?
Planning permission has been granted for a lot of housing on the North side of the Quarry and currently anyone living in this area having been living with the sand storms and silica dust when the winds blows on a regular basis. Are we now to be bombarded by fertiliser chemicals plus silica aswell? Is this residential area now to be subject to disgusting smells from different sewage and other manures used in soil conditioning? Surely this is the completely wrong area for something of this nature and should be located in a designated industrial area for a high impact industry, and this quarry when finished mining would be more suited to aquaculture or recreational fishing or watersports or restored to a wetlands to help alleviate local flooding and provide sanctuary for wildlife. Surely this property has given enough.
The last planning application approved to the Quarry for an extension of use area was suppose to upgrade the Junction of Burrum rd and Toogoom cane rd aswell but that never happened? Why is that? I also note the serious accident on that junction just last week involving trucks which may have been visiting this quarry.
I vehemently oppose this development by Fraser Coast Sand & Gravel to operate a fertilizer/soil soil conditioner processing plant on the grounds if increased potential hazards of airborn dust & chemical particles to residents, many who like myself, a cancer survivor, already have health/lung/heart conditions and choose to live here to try and help their health not breath in even more chemicals and dust.
As well as the increased truck traffic on surrounding roads. There was already an accident last week between 2 trucks there, increased truck traffic would potentially cause more accidents.
There is also the runoff of chemicals into surrounding bushland and waterways affecting not only our waterways, flora but also fauna.
I believe Fraser Coast Council has a duty of care to all residents and ratepayers to listen to all concerns before granting any development approval. The safety and health of residents and ratepayers should be councils first priority over business deals with big companies that only have $$$ and profits in their sights nit health and welfare issues.
I hope Council will take seriously the concerns of residents with this issue.
I am submitting a submission to object a development application for following reasons:
Hazardous Dust
I refer you to: DA Form 1 – Development application detailsMCU22/0012dated 23.02.2022 page 22 which reads:
“1.4 Planning Context
This development application relates to a proposed Material Change of Use for a High Impact Industry and ERA 33 to allow for part of the site to be utilised for processing of the fertilisers/soil improvers in addition to the existing quarrying (sand extraction) operations under the provisions of the 2014 Fraser Coast Planning Scheme”.
“Yougro has identified an opportunity to expand its enterprise by providing a service to a fertiliser and soil conditioner wholesaler by using existing screening plant to return these materials to a granular state following transport to Fraser Coast area where during transit they tend to clump. Running these materials through a screening plant quickly and easily breaks these materials up and makes them more readily useable in agricultural settings.Yougro is in a position where using the screening plant already on site, up to 20,000 tonnes of fertilisers and soil conditioners are likely to require processing in a year. Once the materials are returned to a powdery state, they will be transported in bulk to farms around the region”.
I object to this development due to past exposure to dust from the existingquarrying (sand extraction) operations.On many occasions driving back to Toogoom township from the city of Harvey Bay (south eastly windy days) I have witnessed large amounts of airborne dust cross the Pialba Burrum Heads Roadand spreading across into the township of Toogoom.
The applicant has stated that they intend to process up to 20,000 tonnes of fertilisers and soil conditioners each year, potentially creating further dust hazards.
I refer you to the Worksafe Queensland website
Hazardous dusts
All airborne dust is hazardous to health.
Dust can contain a range of materials including sand, dirt, pollen, minerals, wood, micro-organisms, and vehicle and industrial exhausts.
Where dust exposure is likely to occur
Dust can be a problem in almost any industry. Many work activities can create or release dust.
Examples include:
• filling bags or emptying them into skips or other containers
• weighing loose powders
• cutting materials (e.g. example paving stones)
• sieving and screening operations
• conveying materials by mechanical means or by hand
• stockpiling large volumes of processed materials
• crushing and grading
• milling, grinding, sanding down or other similar operations
• cleaning and maintenance work
• handling livestock feed and bedding
• working with livestock and animal waste
• clearing up spillages.
Health effects
Exposure to any dust in excessive amounts can lead to health problems. The size of the dust particles, what they are made of, and how much is in the air all affects how hazardous the dust can be.
The harmful effects of dust can vary, from skin irritation to lung cancer.
Dust may not be an obvious hazard because the particles are often invisible and the health effects of exposure can take years to develop.
I am aware of several residents in our township of Toogoom with respiratory illness, i.e.Chronic Inflammatory Lung Disease (COPD) Asthma, and Emphysema and I am concerned for their health and potential health risks to us all breathing in any dust.
Toogoom township is a residential area and in recent years the FCRC has approved a number ofnew residential development in our township. A fertiliser and soil conditioner processing operation has absolutely no place in or near our community.
Environmental Impact
I refer you to:
DA Form 1 – Development application details MCU22/0012 dated 23.02.2022 page 22 which reads:
“1.4 Planning Context
This development application relates to a proposed Material Change of Use for a High Impact Industry and ERA 33 to allow for part of the site to be utilised for processing of the fertilisers/soil improvers in addition to the existing quarrying (sand extraction) operations under the provisions of the 2014 Fraser Coast Planning Scheme”.
I object to this development on the potential environmental impact to close proximity to our wetlands and waterways from contaminated stormwater/runoff and leached contaminated water (porous sand). Chemicals used for fertilizer/soil processing could potentially impact O'Reagan wetlands and waterways.
While I am no environmental expert and don’t have the personal knowledge to back up my objection, I did find a very recent study dated in October 2021 which talks about environmental impacts from phosphorus fertilisers in high rain full areas carried about by the Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development in Western Australia
We are potentially looking at a 3rd la Nina year weather pattern occurring this coming spring / summer, I refer you to the Bureau of Meteorology’s Climate Driver Update dated 16th of August 2022.
We are potentially facing another spring and summer of increased rain fall. I personally have recorded numerous 100mm rain fall events throughout last spring and summer of 2021/2022 and witnessed many social media posts in our township of Toogoom backing up this same data.
Referring you back to the Western Australia study noted abovein high rainfall it states:
“Leaching of fertilisers can cause serious environmental and economic damage
In the high rainfall areas (more than 600mm average annual rainfall), especially on sandy soils, these nutrients can be leached into the groundwater and washed into waterways, even after short periods (months and years, rather than decades). Nitrogen and phosphorus can then remain in sediments of watercourses and estuaries to be used as food for algae when conditions become favourable”.
Effect on groundwater
Nitrogen in a nitrate form can cause health problems when it accumulates in groundwater used for drinking. It may be particularly harmful to young children and has been shown to combine with food to make cancer-forming compounds.
Effect on waterways
Excessive use of phosphorus fertilisers has already contributed to algal blooms in waterways and estuaries in Western Australia. These algae can create a range of problems, such as making life unpleasant near waterways (nauseating odours, aesthetics), causing skin irritations from contact with the water, and in extreme cases, poisoning. There have also been economic impacts through damage to fisheries, and impacts on the value of real estate and tourism in affected areas.
The effect also has economic impacts to fisheries, real estate, and tourism. Are not these 3 things pretty important factors for in our area? Fisheries and tourism for our economic income and real estate which isn’t slowing down in our area with new developments in progress everywhere in Hervey Bay, this has personal impacts to the residents of this town if our properties devalue.
A fertiliser and soil conditioner processing operation has absolutely no place in or near our community.
Increased Traffic
I am concerned about additional heavy vehicles entering/existing Toogoom Cane Road, off Pialba Burrum Heads Road. The Toogoom Cane Road intersection does not provide safe entering/exiting lanes for additional heavy vehicle activity. I refer you to the most recent accident 05.08.2022 where 2 commercial trucks collided on the Corner of Toogoom Cane Road and Pialba – Burrum Heads Road closing the road and disrupting traffic for hours on a Friday afternoon / evening and limiting access into the township of Toogoom.
Will Yougro be paying for the upkeep of the additional traffic it will be contributing to our already busy roads and how will they be mitigating potential further truck incidents on this intersection?
I completely and utterly object to this development application Material Change of Use – High Impact Industry at 12 Toogoom Cane Road, Takura. - Lot 1 SP 234746.
We strongly oppose the application to operate a fertilizer/soil conditioner processing plant at this location. Our concerns are in relation to the increase of potential airborne dust & chemical particles to the residents of Toogoom. We believe the Fraser Coast Council should not allow any similar kind of industry to be operated in such close proximity to residential homes. We have often noted on Kingfisher Parade the amazing amount of sand that is blown across from the existing quarry.
In addition Council should also consider the potential environmental impact on the O'Regan Creek wetlands from the stormwater/runoff and leached contaminated water, which will in turn be contaminating our public swimming beaches and ocean life.
And our last concern being there will be an increase of trucks entering Pialba Burrum Heads Road from Toogoom Cane Road. This intersection is already inadequate for the amount of traffic using it, and an increase in the trucks will be an increase in motor accidents.
Toogoom has grown rapidly over the last couple of years with several new housing estates opened and a few more under development. Our current infrastructure is already under pressure. Council needs to consider the growing population in relation to the airborne particles, waterway contamination and the road infrastructure. This type of facility should be located further away where the risks are minimal to all life.
Council and planners must be aware of the value of land and the particular environment of the Fraser coast.
It is clearly set out the damage that can be done by allowing the manufacturers to expand. When they clearly need to be moved into an industrial area away from residential and recreational activities.
I appreciate that they have operated for many years but times have and are changing and the requirements for land close to our precious waterways does not include fertiliser dust.
Along with the dust comes sickness to those of us with compromised respiratory and immune systems. If those particles are inhaled and disease, or death occurs as a result can the council after clearly being informed of the resistance afford litigation after litigation?
In all honesty it is time for this land to be rezoned and these types of manufacturing be moved to an appropriate area .
Thus allowing council to reap the rewards of rewards of this wonderland.
Council and planners must be aware of the value of land and the particular environment of the Fraser coast.
It is clearly set out the damage that can be done by allowing the manufacturers to expand. When they clearly need to be moved into an industrial area away from residential and recreational activities.
I appreciate that they have operated for many years but times have and are changing and the requirements for land close to our precious waterways does not include fertiliser dust.
Along with the dust comes sickness to those of us with compromised respiratory and immune systems. If those particles are inhaled and disease, or death occurs as a result can the council after clearly being informed of the resistance afford litigation after litigation?
In all honesty it is time for this land to be rezoned and these types of manufacturing be moved to an appropriate area .
Thus allowing council to reap the rewards of rewards of this wonderland.