5 Holleys Lane Gulgong NSW 2852

PAN-192194 Secondary Dwelling @ 5 Holleys Lane GULGONG NSW 2852
Planning Authority
Mid-Western Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
4 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Mid-Western Regional Council. Add your own comment.

My wife and myself purchased this property (83 Holleys Lane Gulgong) for our retirement.
We intend to subdivide the eastern 60 acre lot into two thirty acre blocks .We aim to build on the south western corner of one thirty acre lot.
Our new home would be within metres of the proposed battery storage structure. This will totally remove our life dreams of having a comfortable retirement in a tranquil and scenic rural setting free of nearby neighbours.

If this development is approved it will not only destroy all of our wants and plans that my wife and I have worked extremely hard in the fifty years that we have been married .this will also have devalued our land and make it extremely hard for us to purchase anything as good elsewhere. If the landowner had informed us more than 12 months ago when he made this underhanded deal with the battery company we may have subdivided and sold the land and prevented the stress that we are now enduring. This development would be and is more suitable to the property on the southern end of Beryl road adjacent to the eastern end of the existing essential energy substation .BUT in my opinion I dont want to be able to see it.

Maxwell Walsh
Delivered to Mid-Western Regional Council

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