101 Clementine Boulevard Treeby WA 6164

Cancelled BP Application (Certified)- Tilt up Shopping Centre with base build tenancies including upper level (IGA, 4 x smaller retail tenancies & level one store room)
Planning Authority
City of Cockburn
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
22 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Cockburn. Add your own comment.


I’m not sure if I’m reading this right, but if BP is BP the fuel station we do not need it. It’s so easy to get to the Caltex, when people are grabbing fuel they are doing it on their travels. Fuel stations are unappealing and the space can be used for so much more that actually adds to our community life. IGA, chemist, post office, boutique/trendy cafes or even a studio for fitness like yoga or Pilates. I can’t believe the size of Cockburn and the lack of yoga/pilate studios in the area. I feel as if IGA, Chemist and Post office would be classified as essential, especially for the older generation that may find it hard to get to Cockburn or Atwell and a nice trendy cafe and fitness studio for our younger generation that love to document their life on social media.
Keep the appeal of Treeby but keeping it boutique, don’t waste the space with a BP, I don’t know how else to say that they are just scabby looking. I hope that whatever is built has a lot of street appeal so people continue to say “Treeby is a really nice area”.

Jacinta Wills
Delivered to City of Cockburn

I agree. We need local shops and other facilities within our community. Our estate is lacking in a supermarket, battleship, and as Jacinta Wills mentioned, potential exercise or wellness facilities. Please consult our community as to what we feel is necessary to support our way of life in Treeby.

Cassandra Aspray
Delivered to City of Cockburn

We do not require a fuel station as Caltex at the Armadale road as well as BP at cockburn are close enough for us to get petrol.

We are lacking of a local convenience store. An IGA, chemist, post office, proper cafe are what we require in the estate

Thank you.

Lyvonne Yap
Delivered to City of Cockburn

I think you may have misunderstood the alert, BP means building permit not BP as in service station.

Nigel Waller
Delivered to City of Cockburn

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