21 Parramatta Rd

Construction of 17 additional storeys above an approved 8 storey mixed use building comprised of 151 residential apartments.
Planning Authority
Strathfield Municipal Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
373 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
5 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Strathfield Municipal Council. Add your own comment.

It’s way too tall. Keep it at 8 storey. It ruins the character of the area and sets a precedent for more building of this size here.

Juliana Stackpool
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Also, I don’t like that this has been put out for consultation the week before Christmas leading into January. This lacks transparency and a proper opportunity for local residents to comment.

Juliana Stackpool
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

This is so wrong - there are many heritage listed properties on Burton Street behind this construction - how can this occur? The area cannot deal with an extra 150 cars on the road - its congested as it is - this is right next to the new construction of the Concord Oval facilities - extra people and cars? Why is this being put in a week before Christmas?

Sandra Ru
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Nb The map is wrong….this is a Strathfield DA not Burwood Council.

Patrick O'Carrigan
Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

Is this not in Canada Bay Council not Strathfield?

Delivered to Strathfield Municipal Council

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