The height, scale and massing of the proposal will dominate the surrounds and not respond positively to the surrounding context.
The colours and materials of external finishes to the structures within the proposal will dominate the surrounds and fail to respond positively to the surrounding context.
The proposal will involve an unacceptable removal of environmentally significant vegetation and fails to contemplate maintaining sufficient vegetation of the indigenous ecological vegetation class.
The scale of the proposal and lack of sufficient setbacks exclude the opportunity for meaningful landscaping that is consistent with neighbourhood character and responds positively to the surrounding context.
The scale, bulk and lack of landscaping including provision of canopy trees contribute to a lack of integration of the built form with the surrounding context.
The intensity of use of the proposal will respond negatively to the surrounding context.
Insufficient information has been provided regarding solar access modelling according to the structure orientation and spring equinox.
The proposal will create excessive visual bulk and fails to respond to the offsite amenity of the surrounds, especially land adjacent to the site's Southern boundary.
The scale and lack of sufficient setbacks create excessive domination and visual bulk along with unacceptable southern overshadowing impacts.
The extent of impermeable paving within the proposal will create unacceptable inundation risks of the surrounds, and increase velocity and volume of overland water flows.
The lack of articulation between ground and upper levels of the proposed structures will dominate the surrounds and fail to respond positively to the surrounding context.
The lack of proper parking provision for occupants and visitors will unacceptably impact upon the amenity of the surrounds.
The surrounds consist predominantly of detached homes on allotments exceeding 500m² with some loft style townhouses.
As is, the proposal is an inappropriate planning outcome without increased community and environmental benefits exceeding the minimum standard outcomes. I submit the Responsibile Authority should refuse consent or approve only with conditions. I propose these consent conditions:
That each dwellings water tank capacity be a minimum of 3000 litres based on annual precipitation data and bedroom numbers;
That each alternative water system provide water from the water tank to the laundry fixtures;
That each dwelling have an alternative energy system provided, with a photovoltaic generation system with peak output that exceeds 6kW;
That each dwelling roofs be reoriented to maximise solar gain of any current or future alternative energy systems which operate by way of photovoltaic panels;
That upper level ceiling heights be increased to 2700mm, ceiling fans fitted, and window sill heights not be above 1200mm;
That the EER of any air-conditioning device fitted be increased to a minimum of 4.0;
That only solar gas boosted or heat pump hot water systems be fitted;
That wall insulation values be increased to R3.0;
That ceiling insulation values be increased to R5.0;
That at least one parking bay associated with each occupancy be made ready for electric vehicle charging with a 7kW dedicated circuit and a charging point installed;
That each dwelling must be provided with a television antenna erected suitable to receive all television channels usually broadcast in the area;
That roof space be ventilated by a combination of louvred label fitted to gables and eaves and mechanical device fitted close to ridgeline and maintained and replaced as required to the satisfaction of the Responsibile Authority;
That outdoor clothes drying areas be oriented to achieve maximum solar gain according to diagrams submitted by the applicant modelled according to the spring equinox;
That crossovers and driveways throughout not exceed a grade of 1 in 40;
That the number of dwellings within be reduced from five (5) to four (4) and a minimum of two (2) visitor parking bays be provided and properly maintained as a condition of consent;
That paved footpath be constructed upon the southern side of Canberra Street, integrated with crossovers at applicant's cost to be completed before any occupation certificate granted;
Driveways not be constructed above natural ground level;
Driveways be designed so that precipitation is directed into stormwater detention tanks and not onto the crossover;
Grates for stormwater drains be fitted with mesh that has gaps not exceeding 10mm in order to prevent entry of litter and pollutants;
That future occupants be forbidden by the planning approval and any strata scheme bylaws, from washing, with any soaps detergents or chemicals, upon the driveway and crossover pavement, any bins, boats, trailers and motor vehicles;
That no future owner within may pave their courtyard, alter its ground level, excavate, deposit fill, erect retaining walls;
or erect a patio covering more than 25% of its area, without comprehensive supporting documentation and a requirement to apply for planning approval;
That the bin storage area be fitted with roof and walls and lockable gate, to prevent birds accessing and rummaging in the bins before any occupation certificate granted;
Visitors parking bays be marked by suitable signage before any occupation certificate granted;
Driveway and external lighting meet Australian standards and be oriented to avoid glare and spill beyond its target area;
That all future occupants have access to a complete waste service including food/organic, recycling and residual rubbish bins;
Paved areas in court yards not be constructed above natural ground level except as those shown on the plans accompanying the current Development Application;
All redundant vehicle access points must reinstate the kerb and not use rollover kerb;
No double crossovers be constructed;
Applicant must remove redundant paved crossovers and fill with soil and grass so appearance is integrated with whole Frontage;
Applicant to build concrete footpath on eastern side of Pages Road;
No footpath or crossover Grade to exceed 1 in 40;
Additional fire hydrants installed as required on site or in the footpath so that no part of each lot is more than 25 metres from any fire hydrant;
All works to be completed to the satisfaction of the Responsible Authority.