This present council surely could see that this development proposal -- 11 Warrain Street- Shute Harbour--is completely non compliant with the present low density residential guidelines as per council compliance. The plan as per building plan, is above the allowed height, plus it takes up most of the land area- without taking into consideration that this building will be blocking the views of neighbours, it will also block any natural breezes, it will not take into effect of the flight of birds early in the morning and late afternoon, as this building does not slope down the hillside- blocking their flight path.
This completely does not suit the nature of surrounding areas, plus it obviously has not taken into account on the impact it will have on the locals who for many years have been able to keep this part of the Whitsundays as a pristine area for both wild life and locals.If this gets approved it would be a free for all in the area, and quite frankly could build whatever they wish and no need to get building approvals in the future. This area would be ruined and why would visitors wish to come to this area, they would be visiting another gold coast. Obviously who ever would be responsible for this to be approved is not is touch with what other areas, such as Noosa, and Byron where tied guidelines need to be adhered to. Kindly do not pass this approval.
Cornelia Winters.
11 Warrain Street, Shute Harbour QLD 4802
- Description
- Development Application for Material Change of Use - Dwelling
- Planning Authority
Whitsunday Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 4 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
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Cornelia Joanna Winters-van Tulder
Delivered to
Whitsunday Regional Council