The street image and mix is being altered from homes suitable for families, aged and those with disabilities to area suitable for transient people (mainly renters - as $890,000 for a 9 SQ 3 brm including garages patios etc.). All builds are of a very poor (yet allowable ???) quality materials and questionable build quality. They would have little appeal in the after market as their appearance an appeal will decline dramatically - narrow driveway - not suitable for most 4x4, garages which are too small fort same , insufficient parking spaces , and those that are available difficult to manoeuvre into. Access in and around the builds is extremely difficult. They pose a danger to residence and the public. The number of vehicles has increased dramatically making it difficult for neighbours to park. These cars cause a traffic hazard as two lanes are reduced to one. The block has no green areas, no play areas for children , lack adequate water tanks to mitigate increased water drainage during rain storms . They downgrade the area to a slum standard - the area is getting the reputation of being the new Warilla !!!!. Nobody was in a hurry to by houses houses ! back in the day , or green st. . This will be "Malin Road"!!!!!! Nice reputation. Locals are forced out by having these monstrosities next door invading privacy , sunlight , peace and quite and , reduced greening of the area. The developers only pay rates initially and some fees and walk off with a million or more not spending a $ 1 to beautify or green the area , donate green open areas etc. We are left with "dumps " literally because of design and build quality. If I were an investor I would stay away from these as there is a large amount of misleading information about earnings etc from these "junk" units. Check with a building assessor and accountant before you put a $1 towards these and other build of "prision blocks" in the street . The number of unsold units would now be in the hundreds in Oak Flats area. Just do a drive by . I recently saw a sign stating certain units had been sold - but a real estate showed they and the remaining units were still on the market .
22 Malin Road Oak Flats NSW 2529
- Description
- PC CC - Demolition Of Existing Dwelling And Construction Of Three Townhouses (Multi Dwelling Housing) - CR-2021-86617
- Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 70 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Keith Lopuszynski
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Shellharbour City Council