Northbourne Avenue, Dickson, ACT

PROPOSAL FOR MULTI UNIT DEVELOPMENT - demolition of the existing dwelling and construction of 2 new 9 storey buildings comprising a total of 166 units, 3 level basement carparking underneath, common use facilities, terraces, driveway, civil works, landscaping and associated works.
Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
134 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority. Add your own comment.

I'm all for more higher density dwellings along the light rail corridor, but nine stories seems pretty high for this area. I'm concerned this isn't really consistent with the inner north development plan. I'm worried about shading and wind tunnel effects along Northbourne and surrounding areas.

Penny Sullivan
Delivered to ACT Planning & Land Authority

Does 9 stories fit within the framework for height AMSL? I believe Increased heights which breach the planning framework can only be approved by call in powers?
All other buildings along Northbourne in this precinct excepting Axis (which was built in contradiction to the Planning legislation of the time) are 5-7 stories.
The 'height creep' for buildings which sit above the framework height guidelines along Northbourne should only be considered at nodal points along the corridor, not at developer discretion.

Rich Dean
Delivered to ACT Planning & Land Authority

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