This building is unattractive and any replacement would be an improvement.
220 Northbourne Avenue, Braddon, ACT
- Description
- PROPOSAL FOR DEMOLITION - demolition of the existing commercial building, landscaping and associated works.
- Planning Authority
ACT Planning & Land Authority
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
- 159 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to ACT Planning & Land Authority. Add your own comment.
Thank you for making this plan publicly available. While the demolition of the current building on 220 Northbourne is a necessity, the plans do not contain evidence that the impacts on the surrounding buildings and residents, particularly those of Valonia (which is immediately adjacent to the 220 Northbourne site) have been considered and, where appropriate, mitigated or minimised.
Further clarity on the following should be provided prior to the application being approved:
• Duration of demolition process: there is no timeframe for the expected demolition provided, making it difficult to assess the impact on the surrounding residents and roads. At the community consultation for the proposed development of 220 Northbourne, Purdon advised the demolition would take 3-4 months. If this is correct, there is likely to be significant impact on the local area.
• Traffic management: it is unclear what entry/entrance points to the site will be utilised by the demolition vehicles and worker vehicles (ie. will vehicles be able to exit onto Northbourne Ave?). If all site traffic is to enter and exit on Lowanna Street, this is likely to be problematic. As Lowanna Street is bordered by traffic lights on Dooring Street, and traffic lights on Ipima Street, significant traffic delays are often experienced when works are undertaken in the street. These traffic delays then have a flow on effect through Braddon and Ainslie more broadly. It is also unclear whether the demolition works will impact Northbourne Ave (eg cause temporary lane closures). There should be a proper traffic management plan in place to accompany these demolition works.
• Parking for workers: the demolition plan advises that the current 220 Northbourne carpark will remain in situ for the duration of the demolition. However, it is unclear whether this carpark will accommodate the vehicles belonging to demolition workers, and whether there will be overflow to the surrounding streets. As parking is not permitted on either Wakefield or Northbourne avenues, Lowanna Street will bear all overflow parking. However, Lowanna Street has limited on street parking – which is limited to two hours - and much of which is needed by the businesses operating in the street.
• Management of asbestos removal: it is not clear how the removal of asbestos will be managed. While there is an asbestos report attached – with recommendations of how the removal of asbestos from the site should be managed – it is unclear whether these recommendations will be adhered to. A number of Valonia residents have their air conditioners drawing air from the side of the building adjacent to 220 Northbourne, and any loose asbestos is a genuine health concern.
• Impact of dust on surrounding buildings: it is not clear what, if any, measures are being taken to minimise the impact of demolition dust on the Valonia building. As shown in the plans, while colourbond fencing has been erected along the Northbourne and Wakefield avenue boundaries, mesh fencing has been erected along the Lowanna Street and the southern boundary. As such, there are currently no dust management or mitigation measures in place. It is reasonable to expect a considerable amount of dust and debris from the demolition will be blown into the Valonia and other adjacent sites, and that this may impact both health (eg asthma) and property (eg air conditioning units, balconies, windows, vehicles parked in the carpark). Mitigation measures are necessary, as are rectification measures where appropriate (eg cleaning of the Valonia building and other adjacent buildings following the demolition).
Thank you for considering the above points prior to approval of the demolition application.