I object to this development located at 1 Renshaw street Cranebrook for the following reasons:-
1. The increased traffic on Andrews rd which the current infrastructure will not be able to handle.
2. The development operating 24hrs a day will impact the residential homes that back onto Andrews and the residential homes at waterside that also back onto it as a majority of these homes have their bedrooms located on the Andrews rd side.
3. Penrith does not need more fast food outlets. It promotes Obesity and addictive health issues.
4. It will increase the crime rate within the area.
5. There is already 3 childcare centres on Renshaw street Cranebrook.
6. There are already 2 fuel service stations on Andrews rd.
1 Renshaw Street, Cranebrook NSW 2749
- Description
- Mixed Use Development Consisting of a Child Care Centre (100 x place), Indoor Recreation Facility, Service Station, Car Wash Facility, 3 x Take Away Food & Drink Premises, At-Grade Car Parking and Torrens Title Subdivision x 4 Lots
- Planning Authority
Penrith City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 65 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Penrith City Council. Add your own comment.
I object to certain aspects of this development:-
1. The increased traffic on Andrews Rd and Laycock St which the current infrastructure will not be able to handle (it can't currently - lots of accidents and near misses already happening, along with increased large truck traffic). There need to be traffic lights or a roundabout installed to handle traffic flow.
2. The development operating 24hrs a day will adversely impact the residential homes that back onto it in Waterside Estate.
3. The 24 hour operation is likely to result in increased crime and anti-social behaviour in the area and neighbouring residential estate of Waterside.
I support this development as it will create more jobs and more opportunities for young families to enjoy a good time together.
Much better than having factories or big blocks of units.
Welcome to Hungry Jacks and Al Jannah.