0 Burrum Heads Road, Burrum Heads, QLD

Request for Approval of Plan of Subdivision - SP323940 - Plan of Lots 411-421, 449-452 and 203 - Cancelling Lot 203 on SP241972 - Dolphin Waters - Phase5 - Stage 2
Planning Authority
Fraser Coast Regional Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
11 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Fraser Coast Regional Council. Add your own comment.

Burrum Heads population should be capped. We don't have the sewerage system to handle more home & the river wouldn't survive with dozens of individual septic systems. Also further development would change the 'small' coastal town which it is known as. Leave Burrum Heads alone. We don't need another Hervey Bay. People who want/need shops, schools etc need to live close to Hervey Bay. Leave us to our small 'laid back' lifestyle. Once again greedy developers don't care. Council, please do not allow Burrum Heads to become another Hervey Bay with all it's crime etc We just don't want it or need it. If we really have to have development, lots should be 2000sqm size or larger. Any smaller & Burrum River will suffer or die.

Lynn Beckwith
Delivered to Fraser Coast Regional Council

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