Kingswood does not need any further boarding houses. This is only going to bring Kingswood down further, create more drug problems and opposite a pub, not the most clever idea
2 a Bringelly Road, Kingswood NSW 2747
- Description
- Demolition of Existing Structures & Construction of Seven (7) Storey Mixed Use Development including Ground & First Floor Commercial Tenancies, Boarding House including 95 Boarding Rooms & Manager's Room & Two (2) Levels of Basement Car Parking
- Planning Authority
Penrith City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 218 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 16 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Penrith City Council. Add your own comment.
Absolutely not! Kingswood already has more then enough boarding houses.
Penrith City Council you need to start thinking about the residents of Kingswood and dont let this suburb be turning into the Boarding house capital of NSW. There are already more then enough in the suburb - a number of these constantly have room for let signs out the front so they are not being used as it is. Plus there are already a number of other that have been approved and are currently in the building phase. And not to mention the number which have already been sold after construction due to then being vacant
If there is such a high demand for them start putting them in other suburbs in Penrith and stop the cluster in Kingswood.
Penrith City Council you need to start putting the time, money and effort into supporting the current community in Kingswood and stop turning it into an area that people dont feel safe in and want to leave. It seems that other suburbs are looked after but its easier for the Council to turn a blind eye to Kingswood
To even contemplate putting another boarding house in Kingswood is a slap in the face to those of us who live in the area. The suburb of Kingswood currently struggles with high crime rates and substantial drug abuse (as evidenced by the presence of used syringes in areas such as Doug Rennie Field and in the gutters). Whilst I understand the importance of boarding houses as a tool to assist those who are transitioning from Incarceration, rehabilitation facilities, or adverse personal circumstances, is there not enough evidence to support that these “ghetto” style accommodations breed dysfunction and cause a greater level of detriment to the surrounding community? The building may be shiny and new, but the people who will live in it sure aren’t, and I for one value the safety of myself and my young family over all others. I implore you to consider the greater Kingswood community, a lot of whom are hard working and law abiding individuals, who already deal with criminals, addicts and such on a daily basis and do not need to have greater safety concerns than are already present.
No Kingswood does not need another Boarding house. Remember that there is an election on the 4 December 2021. We have a chance to vote for an Independent in the East Ward. This could show the Labor and Liberal Councillors that we had enough. Maybe then our local Liberal member Stuart Ayres will speak up for the residents of Kingswood to the NSW Planning department of his party. The next State election is due in early 2023.
Just had a look at the proposal for 2 a Bringelly Road, Kingswood NSW 2747 on the DA Tracking site on the council page. This DA is for both 2 a Bringelly Road KINGSWOOD NSW and : 31 Santley Crescent KINGSWOOD NSW 2747. This building will cover both sites, a big L shape. Where is the affordable accommodation families
A boarding house complex is the last type of structure Kingswood wants or needs, especially one of this size. Our area needs developments that will enhance its liveability and desirability for families, not detract from it. Opposite the hotel! On the direct route to the train station.
Come on Penrith City Council. If this development gets approval then as a council you are tacitly stating that Kingswood is the go-to area for those in the Penrith community that are "less desirable". That is an insult to those that live in Kingswood, the majority of whom are decent, hard-working people.
I want to live in an area that is safe, and where my children can walk to the train and out and about without me feeling uneasy. I'm sure you'd want that for yours, too. This development must not go ahead. No. Absolutely no.
Im adding my disbelief to the comments.
I feel like we have no voice or say in what happens in our area.
7 boarding house in Manning and Edward Street .another going up on the corner of Edna Street and a small laneway. Trying to get out of Edna street now is a joke. Concrete trucks blocking the road. Guys sitting on the road beside trucks having lunch blocking access. It is a joke. 49 years of paying taxes and this is how we are treated by Council, having homes overlooked by who knows who, our privacy taken away from us. I’d like to bet that not one councillor either here with the State Planning have this problem in their area or street.
With the 2 lots that Wendy Spinks advised that this application will actually include - It is for a 95 room Boarding House. That is outrageous. Absolutely No Penrith City Council.
It appears that most people commenting here don’t realise the boarding houses in the area are ALL approved by the state government, not by council. Council will pass on your objections to the state government, but has no say in the matter!
To Ashley The DA applications are approved or refused by Penrith Planning Department, yes there are policy and guidlines from the NSW State Government. Penrith Council started this problem in Kingswood when they change the zoning in Kingswood to R3.
Don't worry Penrith Council is spreading the boarding houses around!
The old house across the road on the corner of Markham & Cox Ave is right at this moment being bulldozed to make room for a 2 story 12 Room flop House!
Council Elections on the 4th of December!!!
This boarding house has 88 rooms x 2 lodgers per room equals 188 lodgers plus 8 rooms x 1 lodger per room plus a mangers room equals close to 200 people in boarding rooms plus the business people to add to this absolutely horrible building.
They will be allowed to drink alcohol in the rooms so when they need more alcohol it is a short walk across Bringelly Rd to the Kingswood hotel to get more alcohol.
This boarding house should be refused by the Penrith Council
HELL NO!! Kingswood residents already are struggling with crime, drugs, robbery, assaults, drug users fighting, dirty needles everywhere, drug dealing on a regular basis cars being broken into and more. You don't have to deal with the problems daily like we do and you want to put one on Bringelly and one on Park Avenue in Kingswood. We had three car broken into, our neighbour was assaulted and robbed all in three days and I am regularly telling drug uses to stop using in our car ports and stair unit stair ways, leaving dirty needles, passed out in our car ports and unit stair ways and worse of all using car posts as their public toilets (so pissing and shitting). Start by cleaning up Kingswood and get rib of the housing that already exists and make it residential retail property. You are destroying Kingswood and the good people that live here live in fear of houses and car being broken and everything I have mentioned so far so junkies and scum can sell our stuff to get their drugs and do it all again. Stop and think at what you are doing you are making things worse not better for all the good residents that live in Kingswood.
Due to this project there won’t be any growth to Kingswood
The students coming to university will be scared due to heavy drug uses in boarding houses
The commuter’s going to station will be effected please stop giving permission
Penrith City Council have already confirmed more Boarding houses will be built in Kingswood regardless of what is happening here or what residents say. Their reasoning is it so close to public transport, health and education. Yet everything can be accessed by public transport in any suburb. The council dont care about the community or residents or what is actually happening here. Its easier for them to just keep approving these instead of actually listening to what the community is saying and fixing the problem.
Same as all people in power have a dream and a bank account. so is this the next Mt Druitt.