5/72 Pantheon Avenue North Coogee WA 6163

We would like to book out the car bays in front of Regis for a week - commencing 4/10/2021. We are just removing furniture.
Planning Authority
City of Cockburn
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to City of Cockburn. Add your own comment.


These car bays are in-front of my Tenancy (CRU Health + Juice Bar) and are vital for my trading/traffic flow.

Blocking all of these bays for a week will have a significant, detrimental impact on my small business.

Alternatively, there is a designated service lift and loading bay in the underground car park that Regis can utilise to remove the furniture.

Ryan Mauricio
Delivered to City of Cockburn

Due to length of time required, best to minimise impact on neighbouring businesses who rely on bays for their trade. Allocating bays to those on western end of Pantheon would help reduce impact.

Ivan Bacich
Delivered to City of Cockburn

I do not agree with this. There is such limited parking already for these poor businesses located here. Having them taken away for a whole week while its school holidays aswell is not ideal. Theres massive empty blocks of land behind regis why cant this used instead of blocking off parking for a week

Delivered to City of Cockburn

why not move the furniture after hours so as to limit the removal of the bays for after hours only? also, a week seems excessive.

graeme g
Delivered to City of Cockburn

As much as I emphasise with moving of furniture and perhaps at scale I would think the impact on small business' in the area would be significant over a week. I know even I drive past if no easy park due to busy schedule and limited time to walk too/from. Surely there is an alternative solution

Gitte Molby
Delivered to City of Cockburn

Definitely No. This will come at great cost to small business who pay a lot of rent. Move after hours or use the Regis under ground parking.

Judy Vinci
Delivered to City of Cockburn

These spaces are there for use of business owners clients and are short term parking spots, they should definitely be booked by anyone for a long term, they are too important to loose.

Yvonne Kirton
Delivered to City of Cockburn

I do not agree with blocking the bays, we each use it every morning for coffee and breakfast on the way to work they will lose my customer
I'm sure I'm not the only on.
Use the internal car park area its much bigger they could block bays off in there as appropriate

Alan Jones
Delivered to City of Cockburn

We use CRU every morning on our way to work to get our 2 coffees. If there are no places to stop and run in for our quick pick up, we will just keep driving. If the carparks aren’t available for a week that would be $50-60 we won’t spend at CRU. Times that amount by the many business people we see running in and out of CRU each workday like we do to grab their coffee. Steve and Melissa Parry.

Melissa Parry
Delivered to City of Cockburn

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