265-273 Illawarra Road Marrickville NSW 2204

To modify the mixed use development approved under DA201700349 to modify the layout of all levels of the building to provide 4 retail tenancies at the ground floor and 42 apartments at the upper levels
Planning Authority
Inner West Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
772 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Inner West Council. Add your own comment.

I strongly oppose to this development. Personally it will block my view of the city of where I’m living. Corner of Marrickville Rd and Illawarra Rd is a busy intersection and not appropriate for more residential apartments. This is a shopping strip full of restaurants and not suitable for high rise residential buildings.

Voula Andonopoulos
Delivered to Inner West Council

42 units on this site is absolute over development and should not progress. What is the FSR and justification for so many units on a small site such as this? There will be clear overshadowing to neighboring single storey houses and surround low level unit blocks.

This should not progress nor be approved at any level.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I strongly oppose to this development. Personally it will block my view of the city of where I’m living. Corner of Marrickville Rd and Illawarra Rd is a busy intersection and not appropriate for more residential apartments. This is a shopping strip full of restaurants and not suitable for high rise residential buildings.

Voula Andonopoulos
Delivered to Inner West Council

I strongly oppose this so-called "development". Marrickville and other areas of the IWC are already deprived of space for the sake of creating more space for shops and residential units. Allowing a six-storey mixed-use development containing four retail/commercial tenancies and forty-two (42) residential apartments would require additional off-street parking, infrastructure, and more transport services for commuters.

We want a vibrant and active Marrickville, not a ghetto. Pandering to developers is a growing trend which I hope IWC will not do.

Please reject this project as excessive, short-sighted and unnecessary. It will only benefit the developers and it will be a social problem and an eyesore for future generations. Enough is enough!

Silvia Levame
Delivered to Inner West Council

I live in Calvert Street and I am, as so is the residence of my house against more development of High Rise or even more apartments in the area! This site was previously a entertainment venue that could have been revamped and even added with retail stores that would have added value again in the area!

So many development and developers that want to be built in Marrickville will put a strain on the heart of Marrickville! There are so many aspects that it will put a negative impact to the historical area of the heart of Marrickville, not just on overpopulation the area but will jeopardise the safety of the Current residents of the area!.

4 story's hight would be a maximum preference if the development went through! However it could have been revamped to use for a much better use such as its previously used form.

Terry K
Delivered to Inner West Council

I support this development. The inner west desperately needs more housing and continues to underbuild relative to other areas of Sydney, that’s why it is so expensive.

Justin Simon
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a resident of Marrickville I oppose the scale of the proposed development in this location. While we do need additional housing, I don’t think this site can support the proposed number of apartments and the necessary infrastructure without dramatically impacting the surrounding precinct. I think that the proposal should be limited to four stories.
Also, isn’t there a conflict in constructing apartments next to an existing live music venue? It would be ridiculous if said residents of proposed development were then to complain about the noise of the venue/ patrons outside.

Sam McAdam-Cooper
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a resident of Marrickville. I strongly oppose this development. That is a particularly busy corner and the traffic is already gridlocked. This is ill thought out and driven by a desire for profits over the life experiences of Marrickville citizens.

Devleena Ghosh
Delivered to Inner West Council

My concern with new residential development is more the impact on existing night time businesses such as Lazy Bones Live music venue next door? Laws should be in place to protect these venues from noise complaints and restrictions on late night licenses if you are going to allow these developments! These venues are important/essential not only for the musicians as there are hardly any venues to promote young (and old) talent but also jobs for uni students etc

Andrew Cook
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a rate paying resident I believe this development should be rejected.

The site is already a heavily congested strip and a development of this size would put further strain on existing infrastructure.

The development is not needed nor is it desired.

Stephen Rowe
Delivered to Inner West Council

I oppose this development. It is the centre of the Marrickville business district and development should be reserved for business. The disruption to established business for its development would be large scale especially to those trying to return after lockdown.

Delivered to Inner West Council

As a resident of Marrickville I strongly oppose this development. This is not the right area for a development of this size, height or nature. I am concerned about the impact of such a development on the surrounding buildings, businesses and residents in terms of the additional shade cast by such a tall building, lack of appropriate parking, the impact on Marrickville’s village atmosphere, and the proximity of the proposed development to nearby long-standing and much loved nightlife venues. This development is not appropriate for the location.

Dominique Cahill
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a Marrickville resident I strongly oppose this development. This is an already busy area and building so many apartments here will add significantly to the congestion. It is also an iconic retail strip and building apartments at this location would not be suitable.

Felicity Jefferson
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a local resident of 21 years, I strongly oppose this development. This strip of road is a shopping centre of small businesses, restaurants and live music venues; and it should not be overshadowed by a colossal building. Marrickville and especially Illawarra Road is already severely congested, and hundreds of residents stacked will only make this situation worse and lead to poor outcomes for these and surrounding residents. Illawarra rd is a bottleneck strip of road during the best of times, and becomes practically gridlocked during peak hour, personally I don't think that an underground carpark of hundreds of cars will make this any better. There is a lack of supporting infrastructure for residents who already live in the innerwest, with us having less green space per person than residents in any other LGA in Sydney including of City of Sydney. A building of this size not only looks out of place, but adds a variety of pressures onto the established shopping village strip, including but not limited to - a decrease in business during and post-construction, and issues with shadow casting which makes the area unfavourable for residents to spend their time. The built apartments will most likely be only single or double bedroom residents which makes them unusable for the majority of the population, which further leads to "investors" only purchasing them (from overseas or not). As seen in the apartment complexes built in Canterbury, the apartments often lie empty and are then rented out for an exorbitant price while profits do not stay in the local community and there is little to no benefits for first home buyers (as developers often like to plug).
I want a united community for the future of Marrickville that provides enough infrastructure and opportunities for those who live here. And not cramming as many people in as possible to make profits for the extremely wealthy, just because it's perceived as a cool place to live.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I do think that something should be done about this building as it is an isore but another apartment building may not be the best fit for that part of Marrickville! I personally would like to see some type of shopping arcade to blend in with the area. Please Please PLEASE do something with the Marrickville end of Marrickville road as this shopping strip looks uninviting - THANKS

Joseph Camilleri
Delivered to Inner West Council

I oppose ANOTHER block of apartments in a very busy intersection that is right next door to a much loved and popular late night music venue. Lazy Bones should not be then forced to shut due to residential apartments being built next door. There is inadequate space for parking in that part of Marrickville already - it is next to impossible to get a spot near the shops there. It is already overcrowded with the new development across the road and another apartment building will mean even less open sky for an area that is growing too rapidly.

Briony Stevenson
Delivered to Inner West Council

I have a lot of concern for a new residential building being built at 265-273 Illawarra road. The few high rise apartment blocks we have in central Marrickville are not only an eye sore but are contributors to density issues. This area is highly congested as is with both foot and vehicle traffic. This will undoubtedly affect the overall congestion of the area.

I also have a lot of concern with this location as it’s right next to Lazy Bones. To often are apartment blocks built next to existing and important cultural venues and the venues experience noise complaints and have to bend over backwards when they have been comfortably existing there for years. I have a lot of concern for local businesses and night time venues around here if a residential block is built. They seem unable to coexist together. Please reconsider the use of this building. We do not need more high density unaffordable housing. There are far better options that this space could be used for to benefit the community.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I oppose the development on the grounds that the area is already heavily congested. How to accomodate comfortably? Likewise, do we need to add less soul to Marrickville as demonstrated by the monolith of the cnr of Victoria/Marrickville? And like many others have said, “isn’t there a conflict in constructing apartments next to an existing live music venue? It would be ridiculous if said residents of proposed development were then to complain about the noise of the venue/ patrons outside”.

Lisa O’Sullivan
Delivered to Inner West Council

Marrickville needs more affordable housing and community facilities with character, not luxury apartments with no parking. The building looks pretty but opens up major concerns for local business like Lazybones that is key to the heart of this suburb. Build apartments elsewhere and keep the shopping strip a community vibe.

Claire Ogle
Delivered to Inner West Council

If this goes ahead - Residence should be aware of the noise from the music and hospitality venues in the area (particularly Lazy Bones) - they should be unable to complain about said noise as they are moving into an area where this already exists.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I am a resident of Marrickville and I oppose the scale of the proposed development in this location. This development and proposed number of apartments would dramatically impact the surrounding precinct. It also does not contribute to affordable housing. It’s scale would impact the streetscape enormously and there is a lack of green space to accomodate the density.
It is also not suitable to be built next to a much loved and culturally important live music venue.

Sophia E
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a long standing resident of Marrickville, I oppose this proposed development. The grounds are existing congestion, poor placement next to a music venue, increased density with no infrastructure improvement, inadequate parking facilities and inappropriate height and shadowing. There was talk of a creative district in this area, this seems contrary to any support for creative industries and venues.

Tracey Lambert
Delivered to Inner West Council

I strongly oppose a 5 storey plus 3 level basement building positioned in such a narrow, high foot-traffic, shopping and entertainment precinct. This is against the very heart of Marrickville's uniqueness- and providing yet again expensive units for sale rather than low income housing which is what this area needs, is frankly disturbing that the council approved the original DA in the first place. The site is also adjacent to dearly held entertainment venues of live music and theatre and this MUST be considered in approving the site or any modification of it. The developers cannot sell these units with the intent of closing down what the area is renowned for.

Liz Watts
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a rate paying resident from a nearby street I strongly oppose this development as the area is already congested enough and should retain its character as the main shopping strip and not be flooded with apartment dwellings of this size without adequate parking or infrastructure. There is also inadequate access for construction as it is on one of the busiest shopping streets corner. Being next door to one of the best and most popular local music venues Lazy Bones is also concerning if residents complain of noise from live / late night music venues.

Daniel Alleen
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a long term resident and rate payer in Marrickville I strongly oppose the scale of the proposed development in this location. This development and proposed number of apartments would dramatically impact the surrounding precinct, which is already quite congested. It’s scale would impact the streetscape enormously and there is a lack of green space to accomodate the density. The increased traffic congestion and parking requirements appear not to have been sufficiently considered.

It’s location and impact next to a much loved and culturally important live music venue, also makes it an unsuitable change to the heart of Marrickville.
Marrickville/Inner West Council should reject this planning development on this basis and notably also as residents are awaiting the revised LEP and the rezoning implications that this site may then be impacted by. To rush it through at this time seems extremely questionable re: Council good governance.

Jacqueline Fahy
Delivered to Inner West Council

I wholeheartedly support this DA. The proposed development is serviced by several bus routes and a train line, making it the perfect spot for a 5 storey apartment block. The close proximity of shops and cafes mean that residents will enjoy a village feel. The proposal includes parking, so it will not impact parking in the surrounding streets.

With Marrickville’s median house price being $1.6mil, which is $860K above the NSW median, Marrickville is in desperate need of housing that is affordable for singles and young families. We should not be gatekeeping living the good life in Marrickville because we want it all for only the people who can afford $1.6Mil single storey dwellings

Delivered to Inner West Council

42 units? Marrickville Road is already at a standstill with cars and traffic for much of the day. We do not need to add more congestion to this overdeveloped area. I strongly oppose this project.

Natascha Doran
Delivered to Inner West Council

Inner West council you are a disgrace to allow something like to be approved .

John Maz
Delivered to Inner West Council

I oppose this development. This is too high for this beautiful and critical intersection of Marrickville. It will block sunlight from the surrounding streets and stop the heart of Marrickville from being the accessible, enjoyable place that it is.
There is also insufficient parking in the area for this development and its new residents.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I wholeheartedly support this DA. The proposed development is serviced by several bus routes and a train line, making it the perfect spot for a 5 storey apartment block. The close proximity of shops and cafes mean that residents will enjoy a village feel. The proposal includes parking, so it will not impact parking in the surrounding streets.

With Marrickville’s median house price being $1.6mil, which is $860K above the NSW median, Marrickville is in desperate need of housing that is affordable for singles and young families. We should not be gatekeeping living the good life in Marrickville because we want it all for only the people who can afford $1.6Mil single storey dwellings

Delivered to Inner West Council

Marrickville, now one of Sydney's most innovative music and cultured nightlife centres. Residential on top of or near late evening food and music venues is doomed to fail. Check Leichhardt's forum etc. Modernise ok, but no profit driven residential over development which kills an otherwise vibrant food and cultural nightlife centre.

Wolf Spranz
Delivered to Inner West Council

I support development on this site, if done properly.

Illawarra Rd has great fine-grain retail. The ground-level design should complement that.

The protection of existing venues - namely Lazybones - should be paramount. The units should be thoroughly soundproofed and the developer should contribute some funds to better soundproof Lazybones, if needed. This way, Marrickville can protect its vibrant street from the same fate as the Annandale Hotel.

Jordan Daly
Delivered to Inner West Council

The Inner West LGA is the 3rd most densely populated LGA in NSW-it does the heavy lifting in relation to development and we certainly don't need anymore at the moment. This is another case of cramming more appartments into an area that's already teeming under the guise of providing housing-it certainly isn't affordable housing. I also agree with anothers comments on protecting the nearby live music venues. No doubt if this goes ahead there will be noise complaints about these late night venues event though Lazy Bones has proceeded this development by MANY years. Lets stop pretending this sort of thing will solve the housing affordability crisis-IT WONT!

Nicole Phillips
Delivered to Inner West Council

This development should be no higher than any of the buildings in its immediate vicinity. And, as others have said, the rights of pre-existing businesses - particularly music venues - must prevail over future residential tenants.

Anthony Johnsen
Delivered to Inner West Council

As a longtime resident and ratepayer of Marrickville I strongly oppose this development. This is not the right area for a development of this size, height or nature. I am concerned about the impact of such a development on the surrounding buildings, businesses and residents in terms of the additional shade cast by such a tall building, lack of appropriate parking, the impact on Marrickville’s village atmosphere, and the proximity of the proposed development to nearby long-standing and much loved nightlife venues. This development is not appropriate for the location. A six level structure is not appropriate

Angel Ioannou
Delivered to Inner West Council

Hugely busy intersection with no parking in the area for shoppers, so not suitable for residential. And what happens to a much loved music venue, part of Marrickville’s fabric. We have seen what happens when apartments are built next to live music venues. It’s only quiet now due to Covid restrictions.

Delivered to Inner West Council

I wonder do the people who’ve put all this effort into STRONGLY OPPOSING this development know that it’s ALREADY APPROVED and this is just a modification to *lower* the density?

Delivered to Inner West Council

I oppose this proposal.
As a long term resident and ratepayer of Marrickville i believe this development will add stress to an already congested intersection. Adding more people, cars and delivery vehicles will exacerbate matters for current residents and businesses. The area will be a nightmare for residents and visitors during and after construction.
There is little infrastructure for current residents in the Inner West which has less green space per person than other LGAs in Greater Sydney..
The units will probably only be one and two bedrooms with very few allocated for social housing. They will be totally unsuitable for families and probably not even attractive to investors as there are currently a number of empty units in many of the unit blocks in and around the Inner West.
Thisxproposed development is not progress as it is not taking into account the needs of current residents and businesses in the village that is Marrickville.
Please reject this proposed development.

Brenda Padgett
Delivered to Inner West Council

I stand with the community in opposition to this development. It is not a sensitive development that suits the area. The scale, proposed height and number of units is not supported by the community and there is a lack of planning dealing with the increased demand on services and infrastructure.

Jessica D'Arienzo
Delivered to Inner West Council

This DA was unfortunately approved through Land & Environment Court on 6 March 2017. Local residents opposed it strongly and people from Siver St wrote excellent submissions and presented their concerns to the Land & Environment Court at onsite hearing . Council opposed many aspects & developer took them to Land & Environment Court & decision taken out of their hands. Sadly it does not fit with the vision Many of us have for the town centre. This application is for a modification of the basement levels. Internal demolition has started and scaffolding went up yesterday so build is already commenced.
I would encourage all who are outraged about this development to get involved with the development of the new Local Environment Plan (LEP) for Marrivkville. Watch Inner West Web site for information regarding consultation and have your say. Check out Save Marrickville FB page as well.

Heather Davie
Delivered to Inner West Council

I am a Marrickville resident and oppose the scale of this development. Some apartments are ok but this scale is just too big for the site

Tam B
Delivered to Inner West Council

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