23A Austin Street Lane Cove NSW 2066

S8.2 Review of Determination
Planning Authority
Lane Cove Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
373 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Lane Cove Council. Add your own comment.

I was a tennant on the group of houses nearly 2 years ago, both active tennant in two houses were evicted at the same time, citing the development would commence.
straight away there was evidence of trees being poisoned in both 23A and 23B Austin st, and new tennant found straight away after a month or two.
It is of my opinion the delay in submission was to eradicate the 'problem' trees, and the only way that they could do that was to remove the tennants to access the property to do it.
I would be looking EXTREMELY close at the tree situation on this site given the apparent foul play on the large trees here.

Delivered to Lane Cove Council

I'm now concerned about the trees being poisoned in this site. This must be investigated and appropriate fines given. Also replacement of these trees must take place.

Delivered to Lane Cove Council

This needs to be thoroughly investigated and appropriate action taken against the developer. We cannot afford to be removing mature trees.

Mary Ann Irvin
Delivered to Lane Cove Council

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