I note in the planner’s response to the question regarding stormwater runoff the application states that it will be directed into Collare Court. I would enquire as to whether any sort of detailed analysis of the effect of this has been carried out? Previous nearby lot divisions have led to unacceptable inundation of neighbouring properties despite the responsible planner’s assertion that there would not. I would expect that a hydraulic survey carried out by an appropriately qualified engineer form part of the submission to council. As it is, Collare Court already suffers flood conditions during heavy, prolonged rainfall. Purposely redirecting stormwater from its current natural runoff into the Court is likely to exacerbate the issue further.
A further enquiry is with regard to the removal of existing, established trees and shrubs and what if anything has been put in place to mitigate the loss. The proposed access from Collare Court would appear to require removal of an established tree of over 30 years in age and trunk diameter of over 450mm. This particular tree would also appear to be unique to the area, has any thought been given to its relocation rather than destruction?
9 Collare Court, Urangan, QLD
- Description
- Reconfiguring A Lot - One (1) Lot into Two (2) Lots and Creation of an Access Easement
- Planning Authority
Fraser Coast Regional Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 47 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 1 comment made here on Planning Alerts
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Phil Cullum
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