I would like to see a copy of the plans because I’m concerned about the placement of this development as of what Sydney water has in the alleyway as you can’t build within a certain distance of there asset eg: 375mm sewer rising main a council stormwater pipe of 200mm witch constantly floods the street and surrounding property’s I will be contacting Sydney water to let them no of the proposed development on the assets
32 Addison Avenue Lake Illawarra NSW 2528
- Description
- Modification to DA0334/2018 - (Demolition of Existing Structure and Construction of Three Townhouses ) - Modification to Facade, Roof Form, Materials and Finishes and Position of Dwellings on Site
- Planning Authority
Shellharbour City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 50 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 3 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Shellharbour City Council. Add your own comment.
Further to the above, as a recent resident close to 32 Addison Ave I would defiantly like investigation from Councils of any flooding impact from this proposed development. A neighbour did recently spoke of street flooding in 2019/20 that came up the driveways in the street. Perhaps Council needs to address this issue as their appears to be a number of proposed Townhouse developments in Addison Ave Lake Illawarra which is currently deemed to be at risk of one in one hundred year flooding.
Perhaps the previous single dwelling drainage works by Sydney Water is not able to manage the escape of water from drains for multiples housing developments on Addison Avenue large blocks of lands. If this be the case than any future developments effects on flooding need to considered by Sydney Water and Shellharbour Council.
Reply from Shellharbour Council 7/9/21 relating to resident concerns of DA0334
Good Morning,
Thank you for your comments in relation to this proposal.
Our records indicate that this submission was received outside of the exhibition period and via an external website not associated with Shellharbour City Council.
In this regard we write to advise you that in accordance with Shellharbour City Councils Community Participation Plan (CPP), Council is unable to consider submissions that are received through an external website. A copy of the CPP is found here.
Please do not hesitate to contact Customer Service on 4221 6111 should you have any questions.
Shellharbour City Council
Jenna Backhouse | Administration Support Officer
76 Cygnet Avenue, Shellharbour City Centre
Locked Bag 155, Shellharbour City Centre, NSW 2529
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p. (02) 4221 6360
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From: PlanningAlerts
Sent: Tuesday, 7 September 2021 7:05 PM
To: Information Management
Subject: DAM0098/2021 - Christine McDonald - Submission - 32 Addison Avenue Lake Illawarra
For the attention of the General Manager / Planning Manager / Planning Department
32 Addison Avenue Lake Illawarra NSW 2528
Modification to DA0334/2018 - (Demolition of Existing Structure and Construction of Three Townhouses ) - Modification to Facade, Roof Form, Materials and Finishes and Position of Dwellings on Site
Name of commenter
Christine McDonald
Address of commenter
4 /29 Addison Ave Lake Illawarra
Email of commenter
Further to the above, as a recent resident close to 32 Addison Ave I would defiantly like investigation from Councils of any flooding impact from this proposed development. A neighbour did recently spoke of street flooding in 2019/20 that came up the driveways in the street. Perhaps Council needs to address this issue as their appears to be a number of proposed Townhouse developments in Addison Ave Lake Illawarra which is currently deemed to be at risk of one in one hundred year flooding.
Perhaps the previous single dwelling drainage works by Sydney Water is not able to manage the escape of water from drains for multiples housing developments on Addison Avenue large blocks of lands. If this be the case than any future developments effects on flooding need to considered by Sydney Water and Shellharbour Council.
This comment was submitted via PlanningAlerts, a free service run by the OpenAustralia Foundation for the public good. View this application on PlanningAlerts