5-7 Camp Street Katoomba NSW 2780

Multi residential development with 10 dwelling, car parking and landscaping
Planning Authority
Blue Mountains City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 3 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
73 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Blue Mountains City Council. Add your own comment.

The height, scale, massing, intensity of use and lack of setbacks will dominate the surrounds and not respond positively to the surrounding context.

The built form, design, materials and colours will dominate the surrounds, intrude upon the neighbourhood character, and respond negatively to the surrounding context.

The overall development will obstruct, divert, and increase the volume and velocity of overland water flows.

The height, scale, massing, intensity of use, and lack of setbacks will adversely impact upon the amenity of neighbouring properties.

The proposal does not contemplate meaningful landscaping that would integrate the built form with the surrounding context especially with the retention of canopy trees and the plantings of indigenous canopy trees, shrubs and other plants all of the local ecological vegetation class.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding the contemplation of water sensitive urban design.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding the contemplation of impacts upon the direction, volume and velocity of overland water flows.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding lighting types in order to protect biodiversity and local amenity from excessive light spill from the premises.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding investigations of the site, existing structures and soils to identify any hazardous materials.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding contemplation of reuse, either within or elsewhere, of building materials within.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding management of waste from the site including contemplation of reuse, recycling or responsible disposal including a statement about plans for its management, transport and final destination and maintaining traceability to ensure lawful disposal.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding works to excavate and level the site and management and disposal of any spoil.

Insufficient information has been provided regarding seasonal overshadowing of neighbouring land including reports on solar access impacts and the publication of shadow diagrams.

The height, scale, massing and lack of setbacks will create unacceptable overshadowing impacts.

On balance, the proposal represents an overdevelopment of the site and an inappropriate planning outcome.

I submit that the concerns I address above are sufficiently significant that they cannot be mitigated by suitable conditions and that in my view, the only appropriate outcome from the Responsible Authority is a determination of REFUSAL.

Shauna-Marie Wilson
Delivered to Blue Mountains City Council

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