Properties in this area have not previously been allowed to be used for group dwellings and multiple accomodation supports, Is this now allowed?
Has there been a change to the zoning? and or land uses.
This property has been used for some time without council or government approval for this use. It has been reported to the council and they have turned a blind eye.
Why is the council now approving this?
There has been no consultation with neighbours on the proposed use of these dwellings.
Multiple police visits have been taking place to the property.
Should the residents be concerned or notified of the uses?
Will the buildings be following current environmental requirements including sewage and potable water requirements for new dwellings. NOTE: They existing dwellings i believe is not the house on the property but the recently unapproved mining style dongers which have been placed on site without approval.
Please clarify above concerns and notify neighbours and close property owners of the uses approved for the recent changes o the property.
Concerned neighbour.
17 Kinley Road Banjup WA 6164
- Description
- Retrospective conversion of Games Room to Use Not Listed – Lodging House & Proposed Sea Container
- Planning Authority
City of Cockburn
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 9 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to City of Cockburn. Add your own comment.
Explanatory guide to R Codes for R20 to R60
The development potential for lots within the Housing Opportunity Areas (HOAs) are reliant on their
allocated Residential Design Code (R Code) density, and the physical size of each lot (land area).
Each HOA plan shows the R Code density and applicable location.
Lots could be development in a number of different ways, but the two most common are grouped
dwellings (e.g. units or townhouses) and multiple dwellings (e.g. apartments). There are some
different standards that apply to grouped dwellings and multiple dwellings which means the way
development potential is determined is also different.
Grouped Dwellings
For Grouped Dwelling development (e.g. units or townhouses), the following tables help outline the
potential quantity of dwellings that could be achieved on lots within the various HOAs based on their
allocated R Code densities as set out in the R Codes of Western Australia1 for the development of
residential land coded between R20 and R60. For example, if a property is coded R30 and is 683sqm
in size, then two dwellings could potentially* be constructed on that property.
An R Code of R20 means that an average of 450sqm is required per dwelling:
Lot is in the range: 450-899sqm 900-1,349sqm 1,350-1,799sqm 1,800-2,249sqm 2,250sqm and over
Potential dwellings* 1 2 3 4 5 or more
An R Code of R25 means than an average of 350sqm is required per dwelling:
Lot is in the range: 350-699sqm 700-1,049sqm 1,050-1,399sqm 1,400-1,749sqm 1,750sqm and over
Potential dwellings* 1 2 3 4 5 or more
An R Code of R30 means than an average of 300sqm is required per dwelling:
Lot is in the range: 300-599sqm 600-899sqm 900-1,199sqm 1,200-1,499sqm 1,500sqm and over
Potential dwellings* 1 2 3 4 5 or more
An R Code of R40 means than an average of 220sqm is required per dwelling:
Lot is in the range: 220-439sqm 440-659sqm 660-879sqm 880-1,099sqm 1,100sqm and over
Potential dwellings* 1 2 3 4 5 or more
An R Code of R60 means than an average of 150 sqm is required per dwelling:
Lot is in the range: 150-299sqm 300-499sqm 450-599sqm 600-749sqm 750sqm and over
Potential dwellings* 1 2 3 4 5 or more
* The development potential of individual properties is also influenced by factors such as whether an
existing house is retained or not, whether the proposed development is for a “battle-axe” subdivision,
a strata development or multiple dwellings.
Multiple Dwellings
For Multiple Dwelling development (e.g. apartments) on lots with an R Code between R40 and R60,
the above land area requirements do not apply. The potential number of dwellings achievable for this
form of development is determined by a wide range of factors and these make it hard to estimate the
number of dwellings that could be developed on each site.
Such factors include building height maximums, building setbacks, preferred size of the dwellings,
overshadowing considerations, amount of private open space, car parking requirements, lot frontage
width and land topography, some of which are also subject to discretion in their assessment.
1 State Planning Policy 3.1: Residential Design Codes, Department of Planning/Western Australian Planning Commission,
March 2018.