I would support North Sydney Council approving all applications of this nature on the basis of no major impact on neighbours. To me it is one way to grow the population of the municipality without having to revert to multi-storey apartment blocks that have been visually polluting Milsons Point, North Sydney, Lavender Bay, Crows Nest and Neutral Bay. Concentrating the government mandated population increases in multi-storey towers in areas in the municipality with very limited outdoor facilities is a journey to systemic problems for the commUNITY.
Between the harbour and North Sydney Oval there is more under cover seating than there is outdoor seating. Where will our growing population exercise, play, 'breathe' and just lay about enjoying nature in the outdoors. Spreading the increases mandated by government through out the municipality will be fast, easy and effective for maintaining the current village nature of much of the municipality. London Mews grew out of the conversion of stables into living quarters as the population grew. It is seen by architects and planners in the UK as one of the best features of the population growth in Greater London in the 19th Century.
30 years or more ago there were approx. 7 out approx. 50 multi-storey buildings overlooking Lavender Bay were residential with the balance being erected commercial buildings. The council and state government planed to join the emerging commercial area of Milsons Point to that of North Sydney and demolish the balance of residential properties between Milsons Point, McMahons Point and North Sydney, including Lavender Bay. Without going into detail, suffice it to say, these plans were abandoned when the National Trust and the Building Labourers Federation classified/invoked building bans to protect the residential nature of the area. Now we find the commercial buildings in Milsons Point and North Sydney are no longer viable for commercial use and conversions have seen most of the commercial building, particularly in Milsons Point, converted to apartment. Unfortunately moving thousands and thousands of people into these apartment blocks has seen an inability of the local outdoor environment to handle the 'outdoor' needs of these residents effectively. London Mews type developments, such as this one and others in the surrounding areas, spreads the population increases across the municipality. This needs to happen across the whole of the municipality.