87 Middle Street Kingsford NSW 2032

Demolition of existing structures and construction of a 3 storey boarding house comprising 70 boarding rooms, manager’s room, communal areas, basement car parking, landscaping and associated works (variation to building height of the RLEP 2012).
Planning Authority
Randwick City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
430 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Comments made here were sent to Randwick City Council. Add your own comment.

I own the house next door at 93 middle st Kingsford and on one side is a 3 level townhouse development and now this will be one of the biggest boarding houses in Kingsford on the other side of my house and my one house will be in middle of all of this which is of great concern .

Development will have a large impact on my single house next door which will have many issues such as excessive noise / violence from students living there and loitering around the property with potential issues of anti social behavior , excessive noise from cars , shading issues , blocking my sun , not enough parking in street as it is already and this development will further add congestion to traffic and parking spaces in the street , and privacy concerns of people in rooms being able to see in my windows and backyard etcetc .

Such a large development should not be approved especially when the above issues are a real concern and especially when one house that I rent out is stuck right in middle of two large developments .

Daniel leung
Delivered to Randwick City Council

We don’t want boarding houses and more student accommodation in our area. Too much congestion, noise, lack of parking. No to high rise buildings including the obscene Scape project!

Rachael Dunne
Delivered to Randwick City Council

Another over development that at best will be 50% full.
When will this end?
Specifically for this DA I'd like to point out below the following breach.
Not enough car parking spaces... Only 20 provided for 70 rooms.

I'd suggest anyone directly effected by this development to band together with your neighbours and fight.

Boarding houses - - NSW Department of Planninghttps://www.planning.nsw.gov.au › Housing › Boarding-...

Car parking standards for boarding houses, except where provided by a Social Housing Provider, are now 0.5 spaces per room in all locations.

Lisa Walpole
Delivered to Randwick City Council

We don’t want boarding houses and more student accommodation in our area. Too much congestion, noise, lack of parking. No to high rise buildings including the obscene Scape project!

Rachael Dunne
Delivered to Randwick City Council

As acknowledged previously by others this application doesn't meet minimum car parking standards but that is just the least of the problems with this application.
Randwick LGA has too many boarding houses already. I think there are 4-5 active in the last 6months including one on the corner of Middle St & Botany St. There literally is no need for them especially in the post COVID world. Please Randwick council deny this application and encourage the developers to put in suitable accommodation for residents which encourage families, frontline works and suit stays longer than 3month uni terms.
Such as a small colletion of 2-3 bedroom units or a group of townhouses

Michael Wright
Delivered to Randwick City Council

There is already a 3-storey apartment building on the opposite side of Shaw Reserve, another 3-storey building on 87 Middle Street will make Shaw Reserve playground dark and uninviting.
Note that there is already a boarding house application for the adjacent lot on 89-91 Middle Street.
How many boarding houses does Randwick Council, especially Kingsford, need? They are vacant, even in pre-COVID times. Whatever happened to regular apartment unit developments? Suppose these boarding houses had tenants, why should people be forced to pay through the nose to live alone in single-person units? Consider the long-term mental health implications of social isolation. I understand the Council is trying to meet a certain dwelling number target, but these are really just ROOMS, not dwellings. Proper dwellings are homes to couples, families, and small groups of friends. Proper dwellings with long-term residents create communities. Boarding houses are nothing but glorified motels. Is this what Randwick Council wants for Kingsford?

Natalia L
Delivered to Randwick City Council

Not another one, that means there will be three boarding house buildings Within 500 metres of each other
One on Botany street opposite 161 Botany street
One on the corner of middle and Botany street
One at 88 middle street
Just don’t need these buildings as they need to share ammenities that can cause another spike in Covid-19 and many other pandemic cases in the future.
No to students
No to massive buildings
No to masses of extra people in our area
No to parties
No to high traffic volume
Disgrace in many ways
Petition time guys

Delivered to Randwick City Council

Disgraceful overdevelopment in suburban Sydney. Hang your head in shame, Gladys Berejiklian. We must fight the assault on our communities.

Charlie Fine
Delivered to Randwick City Council

I am currently a tenant in one of the opposite buildings. The lack of parking that is already apparent in Middle street will only be worse if this is approved.

Parking will not only be the issues in this section of Middle Street but the noise level and all that comes with having a boarding house. I agree there is no need at all for this sort of housing with the amount of vacancies available due to COVID.

This would ruin the fabric of the local community and ask Randwick Council not to approve this project

Amanda Ely
Delivered to Randwick City Council

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