The Friends of Erskineville does not support this DA. Problem gambling is a serious social issue that adversely affects many lives. We believe gaming / poker machines should be decreased, not increased in the Erskineville area.
1-3 Swanson Street Erskineville NSW 2043
- Description
- PAN-76964Alterations to commercial property
- Planning Authority
City of Sydney
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 885 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
- 25 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to City of Sydney. Add your own comment.
Please do not allow further gambling in pubs. I am a counsellor and see clients that describe the devastating effects on their lives. Nothing good comes out of this. Please prioritise people’s well-being over profits. Please help create a community where people are more connected rather than mindlessly spending their money and destroying their lives.
We would like to see pubs refrain from squeezing money out of the gambling trade. The move to expand facilities at the rose In Erskineville is immoral and greedy.
This does not improve the culture of any suburb
This expansion does not improve the Erskineville community. Gambling is a serious addiction and doesn’t require more opportunities for locals to gamble. Spend the money on a space for arts and music
Adding more gaming machines does not add any value to our community. If anything they take from it.
I would urge this plan to be rejected, noting theatre the Rose already has sufficient gaming machines on site. Further there are many more within short walking distance.
Gambling destroys lives.
I do not support gaming machines in any way and strongly oppose to any increase in machines at The Rose of Australia.
Do not allow more gambling facilities in Erskineville. This adds no community value and increases addiction and other issues.
I do not support gambling as it negatively effects the whole community and not only those afflicted with the habit. There are more progressive and pro-social means for supplying people's hormonal highs. Fast from being an innocent pastime gambling negatively impacts people's lives and contributes nothing to the community.
Poker machines exploit human weakness and are a cause of misery. Many people lack good food and other necessities due to their addiction to gambling. This application should be refused.
I object to increased space being given over to gaming. Businesses and governments already rely too heavily on gambling revenue. There is no public benefit to increasing the “amenity” of a gambling space. Why don’t they just say “we want to make more money from problem gambling”?
Adding more gaming machines does not add any value to our community. If anything they take from it. There are too many marginalised and vulnerable people living in the area whom will only be further exploited as a result of this development.
I would urge this plan to be rejected, noting theatre the Rose already has sufficient gaming machines on site. This is nothing but a money grab, very disappointing.
Opposed to the proposed "development".
More biased gaming machines sucking money from those whom can least afford it and sucking money from the economy is the last thing needed in our community.
I propose the.owners and management of the Rose Hotel, Erskineville find a better, more creative way to increase turnover/profit that will create jobs and community goodwill.
The Rose was once a great venue for entertainment.
I object to this application to expand the gaming room at the Rose of Australia. Gambling, particularly in pokies rooms such as these, increases inequality and destroys lives for profit. This expansion will have a negative impact on the community beyond just those who use the room and should be refused.
This is appalling. Gambling destroys lives absolutely families. I oppose any expansion of gaming machines at the Rose of Australia in Erskineville.
I oppose the expansion of the gaming area at the Rose of Australia in Erskineville. Gambling is an addictive and destructive pastime.
In the Application the applicant seeks an increase in FSR in part as it is in the Public Interest.
I do not see an increase in poker machines in an enlarged gaming room can ever be viewed as in the Public Interest.
The public cost of gambling is born by families and society in order to sate the private interests of the hotel owner.
This application should be refused point blank.
I am opposing any extension to more gambling in the Rose of Australia.
Gambling is an insidious addiction and I know of one addict whose life was ruined as he fed the pokies at the Rose. I doubt if he was the only victim there.
Bring back live music instead.
Expanding the gambling area is not in the public interest.
I object to this application to expand the gaming room at the Rose of Australia. It is not in the communities interest and destroys the lives of those with addiction problems. Please bring back live music instead. There needs to be less pokies not more. It's disgraceful really that the venue thinks it needs to make money out of the vulnerable.
"Gaming" is a transfer of money from the poor to those with wealth and power.
It is an insidious blight on our society.
In no way would I support an extension to any "gaming area" as such is never in the public interest, but the interest of the publican.
The Alexandria Hotel did well on a policy of being a family- and pet-friendly venue with no gaming. Whilst we celebrated it being saved from developers we anxiously await its re-birth.
The Rose of Australia could do well to adopt this principal and instead offer space for live music or other worthwhile uses.
I absolutely do not support the proposal to increase the number of poker machines at the Rose.
We need more entertainment, not machines that do nothing other than suck money away from people who can least afford it. It is not in the public interest and should be rejected soundly.
I would like to object to this development application. The building already exceeds the allowable FSR; I don't see why exceeding it further to encourage further "gaming" (read: gambling) activities is in the public interest.
The application states: "The proposed development involves additional floor area added to the gaming room and does not generate additional patron capacity but rather allows for improved amenity with greater spacing between the gaming machines."
How could additional space dedicated to gaming activities NOT result in additional patron capacity in the gaming area? The reason the pub would undertake this effort is this is to extract more money from more patrons. That is not in the public interest, it is quite the opposite.
This proposal is absolutely not in the interest of the local community. The community needs more family friendly venues and/or entertainment precincts and not 'gambling dens' which only add to community economic hardship and which have a negative impact on multiple people. For a business that has been supported by the local community, it is sad to see that they are actively trying to openly exploit the very community that has patronised it over the years. I wonder if the hotel, from any profits of this (should it be approved) will set aside a percentage of takings for donation to support agencies to help impacted families? I think not! The hotel itself needs to rethink its own proposal. Many business have found, to their detriment, that the loss of widespread community support in the long term is more costly than short term gains.
This DA was approved under delegation by the council. Friends of Erko now has a petition letter to the owner, Scott Leach, calling on him to cancel the expansion of the poker machine room: