799 New England Highway Lochinvar NSW 2321,803 New England Highway Lochinvar NSW 2321,807 New England Highway Lochinvar NSW 2321

Modification to 146 Lot Torrens Title Subdivision – Increase Lot Yield Allowed Prior to Connection with Traffic Control Signalised Intersection
Planning Authority
Maitland City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
10 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
4 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Maitland City Council. Add your own comment.

If this goes ahead with a massive lift in vehicle numbers..at least 2 and as high as 5 per household out here, the entry and exit to and from Winders Lane, right next door to AIRDS on the NE Highway, needs a major upgrade. Lights and a turn-in lane Eastbound or deaths will happen.

Grant Banner
Delivered to Maitland City Council

I agree with Grant’s comments.
We have a huge amount of development in the Lochinvar area, it will need to be supported with infrastructures that will allow for safety and flow of what is at an already capacity road system.
Lochinvar Train Station needs to be upgraded with more parking and lighting.
As a 33 year resident of Lochinvar and living on NEH, it is difficult and dangerous to enter and exit traffic flow, on seemingly quite traffic days.
Please consider the upgrades of drainage, traffic flow, parks ect not to mention the need for substantial entertainment( skate parks for teenagers) that this level of population growth will demand.

Robyn Horsley
Delivered to Maitland City Council

I agree wholeheartedly with Robyn's comments.
I would like to add to my earlier comment, some problems for us at Winders Lane regarding this major development 'on our doorstep', which will be entirely unlike the development's offering:
> No street lighting;
> No town water past halfway down our road (despite Hunter Water 'plonking' a new Reservoir on our little road back about 3-5 years, clearly with this and other developments in mind, we objected to Hunter Water, with no assistance whatsoever)
> No sewer past half way down the street.
All these basic 'needs' for a developer to provide for their development should also be provided at no cost to a road like ours which immediately borders this purported development. Just so we are happy to put up with the destruction of our natural environment, our views, the noise and filth created by their undoubtedly highly profitable development. The Council has provided virtually nothing to this Street for years. Fought to get tarsealing more than halfway down for a long time just to have ARTC & it's cohorts abuse the road via constant access to the Third Track, without cost levied by the Council. Council then lift rates massively via 'surge' approval.
Are we angry here, are we disgusted?
My word!
Are angry here,

Grant Banner
Delivered to Maitland City Council

Add zero 'curb and guttering' to the above and tarsealing of our too narrow Lane that is a couple of hotmix layers that fall apart every time it rains. Council then approves a large crematoria on Old North Road immediately behind us. What will we all down this Lane be drinking from our tanks in future, given Lochinvar is declared a high wind region under BOM criteria and we have no town water?
Council has 'shirked' its long term responsibility to ratepayers of this Lane, they fail to adequately 'push' or even just 'engage' in a dialogue with, State and Federal instrumentalities involved (like RMS), except in the most cursory way possible, in order to assist us at all and it just keeps going, ad nauseum!
All development is not progress if it comes with massive surrounding community loss of amenity and QOL. Yes it is potentially more rates and ratepayers for Maitland, jobs for builders, developers who just want max profit. I think the reasoning here is obvious.

Grant Banner
Delivered to Maitland City Council

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