122 Junction Road Wahroonga NSW 2076

Construction of balance of works including full fit out to 8 town houses for seniors living including basement car parking and associated works - SEPP (Housing for Seniors or People Living With a Disability) 2004
Planning Authority
Ku-ring-gai Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
209 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Ku-ring-gai Council. Add your own comment.

Hi Just wondering, what kind of landscaping happening along side fence between 120 and 122 junction road?


Jag Rawat
Delivered to Ku-ring-gai Council

Eastern Rd currently being considered for road improvement works to alleviate traffic and congestion. Constructing more housing and denser living will cancel any road improvements and will impact on the neighbourhood greatly.

Delivered to Ku-ring-gai Council

The heavy vehicles that is constantly coming on Junction Road for this development has caused a lot of damages (potholes) to this section of Junction road. We did noticed that it had been fixed previously, but didn't last long. Within 1-2 months, the potholes appeared again. So appreciate if this issue can be constantly monitored and fixed as they appear because it's currently damaging a lot of vehicles' tyres and rims.

Pat G
Delivered to Ku-ring-gai Council

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