The proposed height, setbacks, massing, building material choice, colour of finishes and design of the buildings combined together will dominate the surrounds and will not positively respond to the surrounding context.
The proposed setbacks design and massing of the buildings combined together will unreasonably impact upon the character of the area.
The proposal fails to respond to off site amenity of surrounding properties, resulting in unreasonable visual bulk and overshadowing impacts.
The proposal would result in unacceptable internal amenity.
The use and buildings are of a scale and intensity which will result in unreasonable amenity impacts on the neighbouring properties.
The scale, lack of setbacks and lack of landscaping all contribute to an overdevelopment of the site.
The proposal fails to provide adequate landscaping opportunities consistent with the areas character, it may include due to insufficient information provided non native vegetation that may become environmentally invasive and it fails to ensure ensure suitable maintenance of native vegetation including shrubs, small plants and trees indigenous to the area.
The proposed use and development, having regard to the site and surrounding area, would represent an inappropriate planning outcome.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with contemporary best practice environmentally sustainable outcomes in context of glazing, insulation, building and roofing materials, energy use, rainwater capture in context of local annual precipitation, preventing entry of litter to stormwater drains through suitable pollutant traps and screens, internal amenity, light pollution and spill from the development and protecting residents from off site sources of light spill, solar access, water use and runoff of precipitation from the site.
The proposal provides for excessive energy use due to excessive thermal loads, building material choices, and the lack of specification of contemporary best practice sustainability including but not limited to solar hot water, on site solar power generation, very high efficiency air conditioning, the insulation R value being not of a suitably high rating in walls and ceilings, lack of ventilation of roof space via louvres in eaves and mechanical ventilation at ridgeline, use of tiles as opposed to steel roofing, excess use of brick for external walls that are oriented between 270 and 90 degrees magnetic azimuth.
Lavatories lack best practice sustainability and it's sought if the projects approved that a condition of consent is imposed to fit only 6 star lavatories from a recognised supplier, in conjunction with the Drainwave device or a suitable equivalent.
Proposed capacity for rainwater capture is considered too low based on annual precipitation data for the region, the number of bedrooms in each dwelling and it's not considered contemporary best practice unless pressurised and delivers rain water to laundry and garden supply and lavatories including a tap at the front area suitable for using the rainwater for motor vehicle washing by residents. I would contemplate as appropriate a minimum capacity of 3000 litres PER dwelling including the existing structure used as a dwelling.
Dark coloured tiled roofs and wall bricks indeed the use of extensive bricked areas on the western and northern aspects detract from the areas character, fail to positively respond to the surrounding context, contribute to domination of the surrounds and fail to ensure an outcome that pursues contemporary best practice sustainability in terms of thermal efficiency of the structures.
The proposal has not dealt adequately with proper parking provision for residents and visitors to avoid unacceptable amenity impacts to its occupants and surrounding area residents.
The proposal does not adequately contemplate sufficient waste disposal and it's submitted that as a minimum there be provided in a lot unless it's occupied by its owner, a 120 litre weekly general or 240 litre fortnightly general refuse service, together with standard recycling and green/food waste to be provided to each lot as condition of consent.
The proposal had not adequately contemplated suitable external lighting to avoid spill of light affecting other occupants within the site and lots neighbouring the site.
The proposal does not adequately detail "waste management plan" for the legal and responsible management and disposal of spoil resulting from excavation of the site including identifying the destination of the spoil, an investigation of the site and existing structures to identify asbestos and other hazardous materials as well as engaging a suitably qualified contractor to undertake spoil management, collection and removal.
The proposal does not adequately deal with contemporary best practices in water sensitive urban design to eliminate runoff from the site into local stormwater networks especially with regard to gradients of paved surfaces, creating bunded areas in the paved sections to redirect precipitation flow and the concept of directing excess precipitation into a suitable permeable and landscaped area with pollutant screens so that litter of leaves and other litter does not enter the stormwater network and the landscaped area referred herein and not provided should be able to filter site pollutants such as leaked motor vehicle fluids and waste water generated from bin and motor vehicle washing.
The proposal does not adequately contemplate water sensitive urban urban design so as to avoid inundation of neighbouring properties due to rain and the development diverting any overland water flows.
The proposal does not provide any paved areas upon whole of the verge for the thoroughfare of pedestrians.
Development consent should be refused or in the alternative rigorous consent conditions imposed that contemplate the matters raised in my submissions.