49 Stewart Drive Werribee VIC 3030

Buildings and Works Associated with the Construction of 34 Dwellings, Reduction of the Associated Visitor Car Parking Requirement and Removal of Native Vegetation
Planning Authority
Wyndham City Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 4 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
67 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Wyndham City Council. Add your own comment.

This is too many units for the street and amenity of this area. It is currently single houses on large residential blocks, there are no similar developments in the area and it would be a completely overwhelm the area and streetscape. Also the additional traffic in a dead end street would be excessive.

This application is excessive and unit numbers should be limited and be no higher than 2 stories.

Mia Williams
Sent to Wyndham City Council

This proposal is far too large for what has always been a very quiet area.
The impact on local amenity would be huge.
Local residents have great difficulty accessing Shaws Road during busy times as it is. The increase in traffic movement alone would increase an already big problem.
We do not need more vehicle movement through this area than we currently have.

Geoff Ayres
Sent to Wyndham City Council

I would like to make an objection based on neighbourhood character grounds. I often go for walks along the werribee river and appreciate the low density nature of housing in this section of the werribee river area where the development is proposed.

I am concerned that there is not enough room on the kerb-side for a red rubbish bin and a blue recycle bin for each of the 34 proposed dwellings. The developer may have to come up with an alternative option to using the council's rubbish collection service and organize a waste management service.

I object to the reduction in the number of visitor car parks. the nearest bus stop is 900m away on foot, so this is not close enough to justify a reduction in the number of visitor car parks.

Sent to Wyndham City Council

This clearly will mean, if every household has a least one vehicle, that will be 34 vehicles coming out of this address, in a already congested street.
Also once they approach top end of Stewart Drive to enter Shaws road, it will be very chaotic indeed,
The existing infrastructure simply cannot cope.

Delivered to Wyndham City Council

Here we go again
Although I’m feeling as is probably anyone else that voices their opinion ,what is the point ?.I have yet to see any planning applications turned down for multiple dwellings on single blocks, or increase to the original plans
Acknowledging our concerns is like saying sorry BUT
You need to fix the roads increase infrastructure to cope with what we have and what you’ve already agreed to over the last five years as all you keep doing is play catch up and applying a band aid . Prepare and stop having to be reactive to situations you have created

Jane smith
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

To all and any who care enough about their respective communities, willing to do something about it.

I am declaring my objection of the proposed ultra dense 32 double storey units at the end of Stewart drive in Werribee.

Parking accommodation
After studying the layouts provided and reading the supplied statement which states “2 car parks will be provided per unit”. There is no way, even if one car is garaged, 2 cars can occupy that space without impediment to traffic flow.

The statement also makes the claim where a 6 extra car allowance for visitors will be supplied at the front of the estate.

If thirty two units have friends around on Christmas Day/ Boxing Day/ Easter weekend /Ramadan /Diwali or any other religious festivals, not forgetting the Melbourne Cup/ AFL / Rugby League/ premier league Grand finals, where Aussies of all social strata celebrate by getting and watching it together.
One could be very specific regarding crowd accumulating events but the gist is, car space provisions are seriously underestimated and under engineered and need serious attention before going forward.

Rubbish bin / Recycling bin / Green waste.
On any particular rubbish collection day the bins are queued outside every home facing outwards toward the street.
As the laneways, based on the illustrated layout are very tight so as to accommodate 32 units, ( total unit average, including shared lane, back yard, garage and living space is under 220 square metres) means a waste removal truck will not fit down said lane without compromised safety of people and property. And no allocation for a queued 64 bins have been committed at the Stewart Drive gateway.
64 bins including required truck access gap equals approximately 64 metres standing along Stewart drive will be a significant impediment to local access.

As this objection is time critical and I work full time and have many other community commitments I have not been able to delve too deeply into the intricacies of this proposal.
Suffice it to say, as I have previously iterated, approx 220 Square meters averages out as Slum value and WAY too many units for the size of this block.

I trust this objection will be considered and taken into account.

Michael Cooney
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

I am a single female residing at Reynolds CRT Werribee, which is right around the corner from the proposed development and the news of a 32 double-story dwelling left me deeply disturbed and upset. I would like to clearly state my opposition to the proposed 32 unit dwelling development and list my main reasons below:

At present, my area is a hub of one-storey (and only a few double-storey) houses, with reasonably sized backyards, front yards, and setbacks, where none of the properties is sub-divided, which makes our neighborhood character. I strongly believe that the proposed multi-unit sub-divided development will destroy the neighborhood character.

In my personal opinion, lack of the facilities such as soup kitchens, shops, train stations, hospitals, or community centers close by will create issues with the logistics of the residents of the Haven Housing Services (HHS).

This takes me to another disturbing point relating to building numerous unit dwellings at 49 Stewart Drive which is the lack of consideration of how narrow the Stewart Drive and nearby streets are. At present it is already challenging to safely share the two-way streets with other cars due to parked cars, local children walking to/from school, mothers taking children to schools, local kindergarten traffic, and pedestrians. Building a 32 two-three bedroom unit dwelling will mean an increase in the number of vehicles to at least 32, which will dramatically increase the already high flow of the traffic and will create additional tension and risk hazards on the narrow streets. I believe that the Traffic Report submitted by the Developer does not deliver accurate information as
it focuses only on the entry of the property in question and does not take into consideration the entering and exiting of this estate. Stewart drive, Vaina Street, and Leigh Street are the only exits out of the area and they connect only to Shaws road, in close proximity to each other. As just stated, I am afraid the Traffic report does not reflect the reality I am facing every day when driving to work in the early hours.

I also would like to focus your attention on the potential emergency situations where fire trucks, ambulances, police vehicles, and council services tracks will have very limited and/or on some occasions non-existing access to the estate in question located right at the end of the no-through road due to the mentioned above heavy traffic issues. The Developer has proposed to allow for 47 car spaces. Together with my neighbors, we measured the width of the Stewart Drive which is 6.1m. With 2.5m wide cars parked on either side of the road, this will leave only 2.1m for emergency vehicles such as fire brigade trucks with are approx. 2.5m in width themselves, ambulances, and police to respond to any type of emergency without any hazards. The refuse trucks won't be able to enter as they are 2.5m wide. I honestly fear for my own safety and health as well as my community in this matter.

At present, the area in discussion is already high densely populated, and the grassland near the river is by default a potential fire hazard. Adding additional 32 units will overpopulate the area, which in turn will increase the fire risk, which, taking into consideration how narrow the streets are, will increase the difficulties in accessing the property by the fire tracks, and other emergency vehicles, which will put at risk the safety of not only residents of the HHS, but all living nearby families.

I would like to also mention the dramatic increase in noise and pollution levels in the area, which the addition of the 32 Unit dwelling will bring to my presently quiet neighborhood.

To summarise my objections, I strongly believe that the chosen location is not right for the proposed development as the proposed plans do not offer a safe and secure environment to the local community and high-density housing will take away our community character, as the proposed unit scheme does not meet our area standards of housing.

Olga Egorova
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

This community had already objected to a similar project in March 2021. Initially the proposal was a private application, where the applicant was Taylor’s Development Strategies Pty Ltd for Dabag Co Developments, Basel Dabbagh. The community put forward strong objections and the application was withdrawn from Wyndham City Council as a result.
How can a similar project, which was withdrawn in 2021, by the same development corporation be approved through a State system (clause 52.2) where our objections dont count?
There are far too many dwellings proposed for this area.
We currently have difficulty getting in and out of the estate. The Traffic report is inaccurate. It has not been surveyed over several days along Shaws road, during peak times, nor has Stewart drive, Leigh and Vaina streets been included in the survey and the proposed parking along Stewart drive hasn't taken into account with respect to Emergency and refuse vehicle access.
I have strong objections to this development.

Christy Stansfield
Delivered to Wyndham City Council

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