161 Rosedale Road St Ives NSW 2075

Demolition of existing structures and construction of a multi-dwelling housing development comprising 14 dwellings, basement car parking and associated works
Planning Authority
Ku-ring-gai Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , almost 5 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
261 people were notified of this application via Planning Alerts email alerts
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Ku-ring-gai Council. Add your own comment.

Dear Sir / Madam

RE Multi-Unit Housing Development 161 Rosedale Road DA0220/20

I would like to offer the following observations to the Council planning officer responsible for undertaking the assessment of the subject development application:
- Overall I have no objections to the proposal, which appears to be consistent with other recently approved development along Rosedale Road.
- I note the traffic report has undertaken a site specific assessment of the traffic safety and efficiency implications. While there are no traffic counts undertaken for the purpose of that study and therefore no quantitative assessment (eg aaSIDRA analysis or similar), my anecdotal evidence (I am a nearby resident in Edgewood Place that frequently uses the intersection of Rosedale / Shinfield) would agree with the conclusions.
- Parking appears to be provided in accordance with Council's DCP. However, my observation over the last several years has been the increased reliance on on-street parking around the apartments. Anecdotally this can be attributed to the fact that residents garages are lockable and are used for household storage rather than parking their cars.
- Increased parking on Shinfield Ave in particular is not ideal. The road is quite narrow and introduces conflict points with two way traffic when there are vehicles parked. This conflict can be manageable / acceptable with low traffic flows. However, with the ever increasing number of units and traffic using Shinfield over the last several years, some additional traffic management matters should be considered by Council's Traffic Committee. My suggestion is that morning and afternoon peak period parking restrictions should be in place on one side of Shinfield Ave for its entire length.

Thank you for the opportunity of providing advice.

Li Ozinga
Sent to Ku-ring-gai Council

I concur with Li Ozinga. We have been living on Shinfield Avenue for the last 2 years and have observed that one side of Shinfield Avenue is always used for parking cars, in turn making a 2 way flow of traffic difficult.
I would also like to add here, due to increased flow of traffic at the crossing of Shinfield Avenue and Rosedale Road, we have observed increasing number of vehicular accidents in the past 2 years. This needs to be curbed somehow. Perhaps a traffic light/ a roundabout.


Sunil Jha
Delivered to Ku-ring-gai Council

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