Dear Sir /Madam ,
I am responding yet again to the issue of the development application at 19 Marshall Street, Manly, and the ongoing issues with loss of privacy and noise that affect our property at 61 Wood St Manly ( which is 1.2 metres away from the dwelling over the side fence, not 1.5 m as quoted in the 2019 assessment). We are concerned about the potential misuse of the property for short term accommodation use, parking issues and light pollution, and most importantly the non compliance with setback standards. Please consult our file on this issue which stretches back many years, involving different owners and includes numerous development infringements, including trespass on our property. There are numerous photos of unapproved building works that have somehow managed to slip through the net, only to be approved retrospectively
The assessment in 2019 DA 2019/0356 stated categorically
"Short-term holiday accommodation:
Concerns have been raised that the tenants occupying the proposed secondary dwelling will be unregulated, as it will be used for short-term holiday accommodation purpose's.
Comment:The proposal seeks consent for changing the use of the existing outbuilding to a secondary dwelling. Nothing within this consent will permit the structure to be used for tourist and visitor accommodation purpose's. Imposed conditions, will ensure that any variation to the approved land use will require the submission to Council of a new development application."
Also noted in the last assessment
" It is acknowledged, that the outbuilding structure has been altered since the original approval, that is why the applicant has lodged a building certificate (BC2019/0068) in conjunction with this application, to seek a retrospective approval for alterations and additions to the detached outbuilding."
The rulings made in the 2019 assessment must be adhered to in the current development application.