47 Mindarie St, Lane Cove North

Demolition of existing and construction of a 26 room Boarding House
Planning Authority
Lane Cove Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 5 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Lane Cove Council. Add your own comment.

Dear Lane Cove Council,

We have been living at the apartments in 41-45 Mindarie Street since it had passed its Certificate of Occupancy. In the 4 years our family have lived in this pocket, we have seen its transformation from a community in isolation and trouble to a family friendly and social area with a greater mix of skilled professionals.

This has also lifted Lane Cove North as a suburb with the addition of the new all inclusive park, a benchmark for the council and enforcing the family friendly environment.

Given the additions of further development of apartments, attracting professional young couples and families to the area and its pressures around street parking, I feel that the 2 x 26 room boarding houses proposed at 51 and 47 Mindarie Street goes against the current transformation objectives Lane Cove Council are encouraging. The boarding houses would have an adverse affect on the neighbouring apartments, park and public school that hopes to grow to 1000 students.

The move would force future and current professionals to look elsewhere or relocate driving the socioeconomic conditions down for both the neighborhood, Mindarie Park and Mowbray Public School.

I implore Council to consider the two separate plans for 51 and 47 Mindarie Street and reject them on the above basis as well as other applicants.

Thank you for your consideration.

Daniel Harbin
Sent to Lane Cove Council

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