4 Wallaby Wy, Tura Beach, NSW 2548

Dual Occupancy & Subdivision
Planning Authority
Bega Valley Shire Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 6 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
2 comments made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Bega Valley Shire Council. Add your own comment.

It would be a great shame to approve subdivision and dual occupancy in this street.
The significant attraction of parts of Tura Beach is the fact that the land portions are large and allow a sense of space, a sense of rural style living in an urban environment which affords the services we need, especially as we grow older.

We have personally witnessed subdivision and dual occupancy in both Sydney and Canberra and there is absolutely no doubt that it lowers the standard of a suburb. In hindsight, I am sure that Councils, albeit that they have increased revenue, rue the day that this type of development was approved.

It is also a slap in the face for the current residents who have made the commitment, both financial and emotional, to invest in their future, their home, their surroundings, their community.

Subdivision and dual occupancy is about profit and greed, it is not about the quality of the environment, it is not about the suburb and certainly not about the community.

Please keep the part of Tura Beach that boasts generous parcels of land the way it is for those that wish to have the choice. Once the subdivisions start, the precedent will be set and they will continue.

It is a situation which can not be reversed, just like development on quality farming land. Once it is gone, it is gone forever.

Joe Lorincz
Delivered to Bega Valley Shire Council

After the great effort the planners have made to design an urban environment that provides green pathways that allows people to enjoy, wildlife to move in, vegetation to survive, all based on a planned population density to then turn around undermine the original plan and approve the precedence for increased urban density by way of subdivisions.
Let’s stay true to the original excellent intent of the development plan for Tura that we valued when we bought in to the area.
No to subdivisions.

John Szmalko
Delivered to Bega Valley Shire Council

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