Re Crematorium and Cemetery at 48 Old North Road this is unthinkable on such an historic road surely they could have purchased land on the highway away from other properties there is so much development going on in the area with a rumored 5000 new residents the roads cannot hope to handle any extra traffic. Then we have the emissions from the crematorium, no matter what safeguards are put into place there will always be particles escaping and there is overwhelming evidence about poisonous gases escaping from such facilities. The residents successfully petitioned many years ago re a planned subdivision and I think this is even more outrageous that a local company could now come in and plan for a commercial development on our road. I may be only voice so far but as this has been done at a time when most people are on holidays and unaware I am certain more will follow.
48 Old North Road Farley NSW 2320
- Description
- Crematorium and Cemetery - Stage Two (2)
- Planning Authority
Maitland City Council
- Reference number
Date sourced
- We found this application on the planning authority's website on , about 6 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
- 2 comments made here on Planning Alerts
Public comments on this application
Comments made here were sent to Maitland City Council. Add your own comment.
There are a number of residences on Winders Lane, over the tracks but immediately behind Old North Road and potentially also impacted by this Application if approved. Already we have to endure increased particulate load from the third track, coal trains parking near us deep into the night and delivering diesel particulate into the atmosphere. The third track approved at the last second by the Kristina Keneally Labor Government in NSW, the very day she prorogued parliament for the election she lost. Particulate load as checked at 10ppm passes muster down the Valley, but check it down to 2 ppm as recommended and wow, guess what you would find. We all almost to each resident, experience NOW, nasal issues. The cancer load is also anecdotally higher than usual in our area. Guess why? What will a crematorium add to the atmosphere? Further particulate. This is not to mention the mercury seepage load into our bores at some residences, from a cemetery impacting acquifers. We are long-term here, with our 5000 new homes and residences, staring at a class action likely against the operators of the crematorium and against the Council for approving (if they do). The road from Kurri, coming off the Hunter Expressway is a death trap, imagine some distraught aged people, used to expressway conditions, not using GPS & driving that goat-track to try to find what used to just be Pondi Park, a quiet, private residence. Deaths are on-the-cards. Any stack for the crematorium will impact the skyline, be visible from Pindari House, a successful and currently operating B & B in our 'Lane' and would be an eyesore.