2 Evergreen Drive Cromer NSW 2099

Alterations and Additions - <insert details>
Planning Authority
Northern Beaches Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 6 years ago. It was received by them earlier.
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Northern Beaches Council. Add your own comment.

To whomever it may concern,
I have real concerns about this application on two fronts: the electricity cables to the whole street and the visibility of the high wall.
The moving of electric cables puts the householders at real risk of being without warranties (even if those who move them say they’re covered, I’m sceptical if something came up it would not come back to bite the residents), not being done correctly, being inconvenienced at any stage to have no electricity with four children aged 3 months to 10 years at home while doing shift work. I think this is asking a lot of residents to support this request.
The high wall is also likely to impede vision for those entering the estate, and my children riding their bikes up and down as they currently do could be at risk of cars not having full visibility.
I’m also concerned that if council approve this, it may be of detriment to the current positive community feel of this street.
If the pool could be more at the rear of the house without the need of touching any electrical cables this application would be no problem whatsoever!

Kathryn Tobutt
Sent to Northern Beaches Council

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