60 Cliff Rd, Northwood

Proposed retaining Wall and stairs
Planning Authority
Lane Cove Council
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We found this application on the planning authority's website on , over 6 years ago. The date it was received by them was not recorded.
1 comment made here on Planning Alerts

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Public comments on this application


Comments made here were sent to Lane Cove Council. Add your own comment.

Comment on DA 177/2018

Following are agreed amendments to the documentation of DA 177/2018.

At an on site meeting on 10/10/2018, these amendments have been discussed and agreed to, in total, by Mr Kevin Lei, acting for the owner of 60 Cliff Road and William McLaughlin owner of 56B Cliff Road Northwood. A copy of the signed agreement has been forwarded to Development Manager Mr Ravi Shankar by email.

1 Attachment A - Description of the Proposal. Item 3
ERROR. The property described as 58B Cliff Road in the printed document, Attachment A, is actually 56B Cliff Road.

Following is suggested suitable wording for, The Proposal, that more accurately describe the agreement between the two parties.

The owners of the two properties, no. 56B Cliff Road and no. 60 Cliff Road. have agreed to keep the, as built, foundations. They have agreed to the demolition and removal of all the, as built, steel reinforced concrete block walls, intended to be on the property of 60 Cliff Road, that at present, overlap the boundary between the two properties, to the extent of being up to 180mm on the land at no. 56B.

The owners have agreed to build a new concrete and timber fence not exceeding an overall height of 1800mm, all of which is to be constructed entirely on the property at no. 60 Cliff Road.

The structure will be comprised of a base concrete block section not more than 600mm above natural soil level, with the upper section being constructed of timber of not more than 1200 mm in height.

No part of this new construction will, in any way, be over the boundary line on the property at no. 56B Cliff Road.

2. Page 3 of Statement of environmental effects 1 installation of new access stairs.
Please add to the DOT points:
Demolition and removal of the concrete block wall, currently spreading across the boundary line of the two properties 60 Cliff Road and 56B Cliff Road.

3. Page 10 of Statement of environmental effects
please add to, Response.
The large Morton Bay Fig tree on the boundary is to be protected during the construction so as to remain undamaged.

4. Side Area Section 1.7
The two fence panels shown on the street side of the diagram, each detailed as 1900mm in length, appear to show concrete block panels as being considerably more than 600 mm in height. These concrete sections will be the agreed height of a maximum of 600mm, above natural soil level.

This document was signed by Kevin Lei and Bill McLaughlin 10/10/2108

William (Bill) McLaughlin
Sent to Lane Cove Council

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